Chapter Ninety-Seven

Body, bruised, battered and burned, I stand in the midst of more dead, more blood and a pit dug in my chest. XPD orders, demands and threatens all they can outside the swivel doors, nothing barring them from trooping in save their hesitance, their fear of me.

Whereas I wouldn't stand much of a chance should they barge in, I'm spent, physically and mentally. My arm barbecued and useless, my ribs aching with each breath and my knees quaking beneath me, ready to give at any moment.

But I'm not done yet, not nearly. There wasn't much time to consider an escape route between Cleo urging me to complete the mission and plummeting several feet down a building.

At the time it was my impression that there'd be some help sent my way, a mob of rowdies sent to disorient the horde of XPD officers out there, that maybe Link would drop by and save the day like he did the last time XPD bit at my hide.