Chapter 8

Our nude adversary cackles at our slackjaw reaction to his continued survival. But it can't be helped, whoever this man is, he's officially a threat.

My hand glazes over my band, activating the necessaries for battle. Ever since my encounter with Lantern and my induction to the Roundtable, I've gotten access to some special equipment, equipment that'll prove helpful in tough situations.

Pulling out my blaster I ready myself, tossing a nod to Fawn.

"Ahhh! You've changed your weapon, I suppose you have to if you change your name."

"I never chose the Kneecapper name, that was XPD." I retort, trying best to keep my eyes away from his unmentionables.

He shrugs, beating the baton into his hand, "Well, villains rarely get to choose their names now do they?"

Beside me Fawn readies herself for another blast, the heat wafting off her has me inching away. She chuckles, cackles even, "How about this then?"