Chapter 10

The tent space is somehow air conditioned despite air escaping through the gaps. I know this because the leather couch has a cold when I sit on it.

Astro is scattered. A lot more than I thought a man so prestigious and proper to be, his handsomeness fades away behind the mess of his thoughts, he becomes less of a chiseled Adonis and more of a man trying to keep everything from falling apart.

And I can understand where the mess comes from, from the much I've overheard from his loud conversations and grumblings as he tries and fails to clean up his mess.

A mess that's his because he proposed and arranged this event, he was behind everything, security, food, personnel, gifts and even the venue. It's an odd thing to see, an idol scolded over the phone.

I don't mind the extra wait though, I know I'm only here to receive some scripted apology and some reparations for the harm I came under, genuine or not it doesn't matter as much as my goal.