Chapter 19

Sure, we know who our enemies are and we have an understanding of how royally fucked we are if either of them should see reason to pounce. But we are also aware that we can't back down, not with all that's on the line and the fact that there is no escape other than to commit. Either to serving Invincibill in his agendas or to toppling the man and making way with agendas of our own.

Fawn sits on the padded floor beside me and Austin by one of the few workout benches in the room. Not much else has been said from either of them since Austin handed me the file to peruse at my leisure. But they didn't need to say much.

The contents of the document are half encrypted, the readable part of it is disjointed, cliffhangers at important points, cutting off into encryption at random points and all round a headache to try and understand.