Chapter 34

"Hey, hey."


"Was it that bad? Her session."


She manages a smile, "Oh it was good then."

"I-I guess."

Humming, she studies my face, tilting her head under to have a good look, "You're flushed."


"If you're not good for training tonight that's fine, you're the only one with unlimited excuses."

" I..I'm just not-"

"Not here, you're not here. It's alright, you can take a break, you've been going at it steady for weeks, doing well even I'm told."

My ears burn hotter and I bite the inside of my cheek, begging for it to stop.

Her hand finds its way to my forehead and she frowns, "I think you have a fever."


"A fever, while we're here we can get you checked. Come on." She stuffs her hand in her pocket and starts walking.

Stunned, it takes a moment to compose myself and wave at the pretty...Fuck.