chapter 4 : hideout

Nagato after beating up Renji friend to known the location he was very pissed because they have hurt an innocent girl and made him come back to the dark self that he wants to leave Nagato has never fought for anyone sake before only have followed order but this time he was following his will for once he can do something good.

Nagato after finding the location he goto the pool table club when he was standing near the club he was observing the situation.

how many people are walking by the building?

there were not many people walking by the building because the building was deep in the town at the center people take less route from there

how many cameras in the building or near?

the building was not expensive there was only a few Camera in the building

how much sound coming from the building?

when he observed he sees the second floor has around 12 kids there he was sure Renji was there they were playing and laughing and smoking the sound was not reaching him or anyone it was a thick glass building it was perfect all thing was suitable for him for educating some kid.

Nagato then enter the building there was a person at the reception and the stair to the upper floor has a door was locked and after paying for how many hours you want to play then the man at the reception guide the person to the floor.

Nagato go to the reception and say " Hi I will like to play on the second floor how much is it for an hour "

The receptionist reply " sorry the second floor is packed how about you go to the third floor it has good table pool there than on the second floor"

Nagato reply " no I want the second floor I have some business there"

The receptionist reply" sorry whatever business you have there I cannot let you go there because there are some fu@ker kid there who cause only trouble for me and do not even pay one of them is the kid of a gangster he uses the authority of his brother on us one time I have send some guy to chase them away but they beat them up so bad they got hospitalize even police fined me and they got free because they are minor and even police fear this gangster brother so they do not take action on his little brother please go to the third floor instead "

Nagato reply " do not worry about me how about I help you instead"

The receptionist becomes shocked for a moment and says to Nagato " what do you mean by helping me "

Nagato" the Brat that is making your business bad how about I get rid of them "

the receptionist thought " maybe he is retard or something how can he get rid of them they will beat him up I will get in trouble but wait a minute what if he actually get rid of them he is the one that wants to die but it worth a shot because of those kids I will soon have to close down this club"

Nagato asks the receptionist " so we have a deal "

receptionist " deal but I will not pay a penny if you become hospitalize "

Nagato reply " do not worry about that just guide me to the second floor locked the downstairs door empty the third floor and disable all the camera and if anyone asks what the cause of the noise and what do you known about what happened in 2nd floor tell them that the fight broke between them "

receptionist with confuse face " okay so let go then "

receptionist do everything Nagato told him he guides Nagato to the second-floor door then he goes third floor tell everyone he is closing every one on the third-floor leave he checks if there are more people or not then he disables all the camera and goes to downstair and lock the door "

Nagato standing in front of the door of 2nd floor talking to himself that " there is still time you can turn around go home and forget everything remember how hard was it for you to get out of that life there is still time but the image of the girl hospitalize and his older sister crying flashes before him he get angry that i am not that coward to broke promise that i made with her older sister"

Nagato to concel his identity wear a mask then he grabs the door knob and turn the knob and enter the room there was 12 kid in the room then were smoking,drinking,laying on the table bulling a kid at the corner it was a mess.

one of the kid notice him a yell " hey old man do you have a death you have come to the wrong floor pussy go to the third floor"

nagato reply " i am on the right floor and i am here just to play with you "

one of the kid come near to Nagato and say " hey old man do you not hear that this is not the place for bitches go to the third floor.

nagato reply " is Renji here "

kid reply " fucker do you have some business with our boss kid yelled Renji there a fucker here that want to meet you

renji was in the corner sitting on a sofa with girl alcohol drugs and some friend he reply" no one was going to visit me today ask him who is he and if he do not tell beat him up "

kid smile and say to nagato " hehe you heard that hey old man now tell me who you are unless you want to die you can see in the room there are about 12 of us we will fuck you up how about if you strip and give us all the money you have maybe we will spare you "

nagato says to the kid " when i come in here i was thinking maybe you kid will understand but after seeing this you all are worthless and cannot be spare some one has to teach you a lesson "

kid with angry face " what the fuck do you say to me it seem like you want to die ugh nagato suddenly attack his vocal cord in the middle when the kid was saying to him he sit on his keen trying to breath his face become red and he started to choke he then pass out and lay on the floor "

all the kid stop everything they were doing and stand up some were surprise some started to fear renji was looking at surprise saying " who is this bastard "

nagato say to all kid " now there only 11 left and locked the door "

end of the chapter 5

next chapter 1 vs 11