chapter 9 : top of the all

Renji was shivering in fear as Nagato was closing step toward him he was on the brink of pee himself he has not to feel this much fear even from his brother who a gang leader Renji has seen his brother beaten people to death with his bare hand but the fear that was coming from Nagato was different like he not just have killed people but something more horrifying.

when Nagato grabs his collar and lifts him up by saying "you are the one that only left " Renji goes into the flashback of himself playing in the household of his brother gang he was in the backyard playing with a ball then he sees a cat he left the ball and started to throw a rock at the cat when the rock hit cat was unable to move he then grabs a big size rock and smash the cat and started to cry the senior member of the gang come rushing toward him when they see him crying they ask " what happened, young master "

Renji reply with a crying face " I was playing with the kitten now it is not moving " when the senior member of the gang sees the kitten they have known he has smashed the kitten but instead of scolding him or understanding him that what he has done is wrong they started to praise him he becomes more confident that even killing something is forgivable then he started to become eviler knowing that no one will do anything to him.

in middle school he was sleeping in class he does that in all the classes his feet were on the desk and the book was in his face he was sleeping underneath all teachers ignore him and continue the class they knew who he was and try to avoid the trouble in science class a teacher was absent a new substitute come he started to conduct the class he sees Renji sleeping he becomes angry and smack his head Renji wake up started to glare the teacher got a little scare started to shout at Renji " hey you why are sleeping in the class you will fall behind the grade when an important class is going on " Renji was silent and just glaring at the teacher the teacher was started to get scared because the whole class was silent when this was happening all student's head was down after seeing that he return to the board to continue the class teacher started to write on the board Renji get up grab his chair dragged to floor whole class was seeing in fear Renji dragging chair toward teacher they were silent because of fear.

suddenly he picks up the chair in the air and hit the teacher's head with it whole class started to scream Renji was hitting the chair again and again the p.t teacher from another class come rushing into the classroom after hearing the scream of the student when he enters he sees there a chair in Renji hand and substitute teacher was laying in the floor with blood on the floor in Renji hand shirt he was laughing like it was joy for him in next scene he was taken to the principal office the principal was shouting at him threatening him to give him to police when he was about to call the phone ring an unknown number he receives it after hearing what the person on the phone said to him he become sweaty and tell p.t teacher to let him go p.t teacher decline by saying " we should punish him " but the principal shout at him by saying " let him go Renji knew that was going to happened and smile while one thought in his mind POWER is everything.

then the bully of the school started to gather around Renji to gain influence of his brother and made a small group started to roam around drinking smoking and doing everything one time a person accidentally bump into Renji he drags him to the alleyway and all the members beat him ruthlessly Renji started to beat people as he, please he like the dear in the eyes of the people he beat it made him feel superior.

when he and his gang get caught by the police by the influence of his brother and connection they were free he was feeling like a king until he met Nagato power was futile against him, fear was not working influence he does not care even if he was the son of the president there was one question in his mind " who is this monster "

when Nagato lift him up by the collar he pees himself Nagato say to him " gosh you are a kid look at you one minute ago you were acting tough " Renji in his pocket was a knife he takes out it slowly and stab Nagato and started to say " ha ha ha ha fu@ker now who is the tough look I will fu@king kill you "

Nagato reply " what are you talking about first see if the knife is stabbing me or not " when Renji feel the knife was not penetrating it was block by something the coat that Nagato was wearing was not ordinary it was bulletproof and even shock-absorbent suit that makes him feel no pain at all,

then he grabs the hand that has held the knife and with grip strength, he crushes it the knife drop then Nagato say to Renji " now shall we see what do you look like when you are upside down and head butt Renji he becomes unconscious when Renji slowly open his eyes he was upside down naked hanging by the ceiling there was tape on his mouth his hand were tied with the rope he looks around all his group member were tied up they were naked as well on their and Renji chest was written that they are criminal he started to look for Nagato he was not around suddenly the police rush in the from the door and put Renji down and take other to the police station a detective come he found the police recover a drive from Renji neck detective confiscate it for investigation the owner does as Nagato said to him to tell the police after they were taken away there was one question in mind " what is in this pen drive "

end of chapter 9