chapter 18 acquire a slave

baldy was turned into a Nagato slave doing his housework and chores why did he's doing all that when he can run away Nagato in past has been excellent at making small bombs he can make a bomb as small as teeth Nagato has made a small radius body with remote control as well he cannot go beyond that radius and at will, Nagato can make it explode Nagato has to implant it on baldy upper and lower teeth until he's boss agrees to what Nagato wants baldy will remain his salve.

baldy crying cleaning the dishes and saying to himself "I was a respected and oldest member of the gang people fear me but now I am a fucking slave for this devil that long hair how dare he runs away alone without taking me with him once I go back I will kill him "

Nagato slapback of the baldy's head" hey jack ass stop daydreaming and quickly clean the dishes then you have to also have to do the laundry


long hair kneeling in front of his boss Shinobu who is very angry he starts kicking the long hair and saying bitch you are fucking disgrace to our gang all the other seeing long hair been getting kicking blood started to come out his mouth other with fear and worry expression that long hair will die he then Shinobu right hand Fuji stop him saying " boss it enough he will die " Shinobu stop he was breathing heavily and look at fuji and slap him saying " this time I let you stop me next time you will be dead "

Shinobu with angry throwing stuff here and there when he calms down he sit and tell others " first we were humiliated by Azuma gang now a fucking nobody is telling me to fuck off "

fuji " sir it may be best if we send that person that ranks 6 skull rank to sort out maybe we send this amateur that why he has underestimates us if we send him he can easily kill him "

Shinobu " o you mean Isamu yes send him that fucker will known what it means to mess with us hey fuji why you don't send him first instead of this useless bastard "

fuji " sir we cannot make our skull rank fighter to go do this kind of job right now because there are Azuma gang that is ready to attack us when we let our guard down he can attack us what is keeping him on the bay is our skull rank fighter because of them he will have to lose much of his fighting force "

Shinobu " you are right my main goal is to kill that Azuma I will never forget that fucker kill my father in front of me first we tied up all this loose end then we will prepare for the war that fucker director fuji he is going to prison tomorrow right we will throw that person body in front of him then call our people in prison to tell them to cripple that fucker '

fuji " yes sir as you say "

fuji " call Isamu hey there is a person you need to kill he also has one of our as a hostage so be careful "

Isamu " yeah yeah i know when you call me it means he is someone that our little birdy cannot kill so you are sending me to him

fuji " that right but do it in a way that the Azuma gang does not know we are dealing with someone

Isamu " yeah you are right that fucker Azuma gang when we will kill them "

fuji " be patient it is not the right time now

Isamu introduction

Isamu is a fat guy who loves to eat and fool around with girls he hates the word pig one time in a restaurant he beat a person mercilessly that he was half dead he has gone to the behind the bar 9 time but why does he have six skulls and elite fighter Isamu was not always this fat he was a pro wrestler not in the tournament but in underground fighting he was talented enough to learn wrestling on his own he usually picks a fight in the street he called it street practice but one day he comes across Azuma he picks a fight with him on that day he was in the windshield of the car after that he becomes the member of skull gang to take revenge on him for vanishing his glory and making him fat ( well it is his own fault he becomes fat because of stress eating after he loss )

meanwhile at Nagato's house

baldy is crying while cleaning the toilet baldy have tried to run away many times but he got flashback When he was tied up Nagato come to give me the demonstration before he implant the explosive teeth he gives him a sample Nagato put explosive teeth in front of him on a table when he pushes the button a small blast happened "

Nagato " hey you bitch did you see that I am genius right "

baldy in his mind " who is this person he was able to make this kind of explosive with little equipment "

Nagato "I am going to implant the same teeth in you do not worry i am not going to pluck your teeth and put them I am not a dentist instead it is just and cap of teeth it will get on top of the original teeth I will make sure to stick them with glue and if you try to pluck them it will explode and if you go beyond 5 km it will explode and i can make it explode as well

back to the scene where he is cleaning the toilet

baldy after flashback is wondering when he will be rescued and get away from these devils

Shinobu call Isamu and tell him to go with long hair he has known his location fuji interrupt and tell long hair to don't go in his location instead find him outside because last time they have attracted a lot of local attention it would be best to deal with him outside

Shinobu " do what fuji is saying "

Isamu and long hair " yes sir "

end of chapter 18