chapter 22 introducing top 5 rank skull gang

story continues from skull gang hideout

fuji restless trying to call the boss but he had to turn off the phone and fuji cannot leave there is a chance that Azuma has known the location and it is part of his strategy to divide them and attack them half member and skull rank fighter is left.

fuji trying to call Shinobu meanwhile he is at a club downtown at a part where they have still control.

fuji in his mind thinking while standing at a spot while holding his phone " that damn fool what he is thinking of going somewhere without telling me anything leaving himself vulnerable look like I have to get the thing under control "

fuji head at downstairs some member is guarding the door and other are patrolling some fooling around fuji call one of the subordinates to call the skull gang elite squad fighter to upstairs

subordinate " yes sir I will gather them "

fuji " now you may go "

subordinate " yes sir "

fuji " right now I have to gather them and prepare for the worst "

introduction to the 5 skull gang elite fighter

rank 5 of skull gang names Hiroto

he is a muscular giant man he is bald and does gyming all around the clock whether it is free or eating he love working out when he was a normal guy in high school but one day some bullied started to target him because he was easy to bullied and he is skinny and one day bulling reaches a point that one day they shave his head that day he stops coming to highschool.

then 1 year later he came back he was not skinny anymore he has just turned 18 but with his muscle and looks he was like a grown man he takes revenge on all the people that bullied him when one of the bullied told him Renji the brother of Azuma was one tell them to bullied him that day he has does not grow his hair until he killed Azuma brother and joined skull gang to oppose him.

rank 4 of skull gang name Jiro

Jiro's brother was a professional kendo practicer he was considered exponentially talented he has one habit he does not like injustice in front of him because of his father he was a lawyer he has told them to stand up against injustice one day he was killed in a car accident then after that day he wanted to become a police officer respect to it father wish and Jiro was a stubborn brat he was opposite of his brother he was a thug picking fight all around the town taking money and thing but he loves his brother he scolds his and beat him up to get him on the straight path he even takes him to his dojo to practice kendo with him he was not good like him but he was getting his basic down there his brother become a policeman he was working on a case one day his brother went missing.

Jiro try to find him then he was discovered from a lake he was killed and thrown to a river Jiro was not a pro kendo expert but he was considered the most feared one because his swordplay even beat his brother and his friend then Jiro started to throw tantrum he takes lead and finds the person who was supposed to be a suspect he killed him before his dead Jiro make him tell him every thing it all was Azuma gang fault his brother was on their case he joined the skull gang to uncover all the truth behind his brother dead

the rank 3 of skull gang name Touma

Touma is a guy who likes to fool around he is never serious about stuff he is short with blonde hair and looks like a kid but he is a full-grown man his age is 25 years old because of his nature he gets beaten up quite frequently but he is called a zombie.

he always gets up even if his arm or leg got broken in short he is crazy he does not feel pain in the past when he was little he does not have parent then he is moved to an orphanage where kids bully him and beat him up every day he always gets up or not even scream then one day former boss of skull gang see a kid beaten up by an adult he was kicking him that kid was holding onto something he steps in a beat the shit out of that adult the kid stand up boss sees him he is still smiling he does not feel the pain from his hand that is broken or rib fuji take interested in him and decided to take him with him now he is rank 3 he fights with the wild sense he just attacks like a wild dog and doesn't stop until he kills it ( A Maniac ) skull gang loyal dog

the rank 2 of skull gang name Chikao

skull gang former boss was always interested in the person that has learned a martial art or it is a athlete about 5 years ago chikao an international judo champion become champion in judo and won a gold medal he the former boss try to recruit it through an agent by telling him he will sponsor him but chikan get knowledge about a gang running agency that recruits him but he refuses them skull gang boss leaves him to be then Azuma comes he sees great potential in him he was on a hunt to find the weakness of skull gang and cripple him although Azuma has some strongest fighter with him a war without damaging them would cost him too much so he was waiting and keeping an eye on the boss of the skull gang the biggest mistake skull gang did was underestimate them because they were small in number and less powerful than them Azuma had approach chikao multiple time he known worst will happened if skull gang recruits him so no one should have him Azuma made his gang attacked him with at least 30 people he won but by a cost of his arm judo team left him sponser cut him off he arm was healable but azuma wanted to shatter his spirt he accomplished it chikao get in debt and disappear.

then 5 years later after the fall of skull gang fuji was in a ramen stall the waiter was chikao fuji recognized him fuji call out to him then he tell him his story fuji told him it was all because of Azuma to reduce him to this level of chikao with anger and revenge inside him join the gang with fuji support his debt was gone and was indebt to him chikao started to train again and he becomes more refine and expert in judo his left hand was broken then he focuses on his right-hand training and become peak level, an expert that can throw a full man with his right hand only and vow to crush Azuma with his right hand only

the rank 1 of skull gang name ????? called him the ghost of skull gang

the ghost of skull gang no one has seen him he is a ghost only fuji the oldest known him other doest not seen his face he exists but hidden nor Shinobu known him he is one that orders all 6 ranks via a massage some member ask to know him but boss and fuji refuse by saying he is their ace card former boss request to stay him hidden because he was certain there is a traitor in the gang that giving every information to Azuma that why he known what is going to ship or how many people are guarding the entrance and he attacks the business and areas that we are lacking fuji agree there was a rumor that he is hidden in the 50 members or cleaning guy is the rank 1 ( anything can be a rumor ) we will find out how is the ghost on upcoming chapter

end of chapter 22