New Arrival

Once she had eaten and was properly dressed for the day a royal herald entered her chambers with an announcement. He bowed. Then spoke. His voice booming through the large chamber.

"Prince William is waiting for you in the library, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Anthony." She replied and gave him a smile.

The Herald respectfully bowed and exited.

Today, Princess Beatrice wore a yellow satin bodice with white paneled sleeves lined in hunter green, with a matching yellow petticoat. She wore her hair in a tedious braid crown. Tiny, tight wisps of curls sprang free around her hairline. Pearl eardrops adorned her ear lobes while a gold pearl droplet necklace rested on the high valley of her breasts. She looked regal and beautiful.

She didn't feel beautiful on the inside though. She already felt like a liar. Clancy escorted her to the Library. Before she entered the room, Prince William had been scanning the book shelf closest to him. When he heard the door open he turned towards her. A warm, welcoming smile graced his handsome, chiseled features. Matching dimples appeared in his cheeks. He was gorgeous, she thought.

"Your Royal Highness." He bowed deeply. His smile was more flirtatious then she had recalled. It had been just over a year since she had seen him last.

"Your Royal Highness," she greeted him back and curtsied deeply out of respect and admiration of him. Once the formalities were done she extended her hand to the sofa.

"Please, sit."

They both sat down.

"You are lovely as ever, Princess Beatrice."

His eyes shined with adoration for her as the compliment smoothly left his lips. She blushed at his compliment.

"Thank you, Prince William." She smiled, accepting it.

"Please, just William." He offered.

She felt a small ball of warmth in her gut grow and spread throughout her body. He made her feel...What? She wasn't sure of just yet.

"Then you must call me Betty. All of my fam-" She stopped herself from finishing her sentence.

After a long uncomfortable silence he asked, "Are you alright, Betty?"

Hearing him say her name in that intimate way made her happy deep down inside.


"I am sorry I wasn't here."

"It's all right." She countered a little too fast for his liking.

"No it's not. I left selfishly. I wasn't here protecting you and your parents."

She was looking down at her hands while he spoke. She was too afraid she would cry if she looked at him now. The thought of her parents perishing the way they did haunted her. It didn't need to haunt him.

"There was nothing you could have done. I am thankful you were not here. We lost a lot of good people. Children dying in their mother's arms. Women screaming from the pain of sudden loss. No, you didn't need to be here for that, William. And besides, you're here now. You can stay as my royal guest for as long as you like." She smiled up at him.

His eyes were kind, and he looked upon her with so much care it made her chest swell. Maybe Clancy was right. Maybe it was time for her to fulfill her duty and start a family. She could find no fault with herself in his eyes. She saw the complete opposite of what she had seen in the demons.

She felt shame wash over her. Why was she comparing this kindhearted, sweet, Prince to a hell creature?

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. If it's alright with you, I will oversee the rest of the castles construction on the towers and speak with your Commanders to make sure their fighting skills are up to par." He pledged to her then and there.

"You really don't have to." She whispered.

" Yes, I know, but I want to." He took her small, delicate hand in his, "I will be here for you. You will never be alone again." His Caramel colored eyes gazed into her green ones.

She felt his admiration. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before bringing it to his lips. She felt her pulse racing at the very intimate gesture. His lips felt cool on her flesh. As if he remembered who and where they were he apologized.

"I'm sorry if I have overstepped, Your Majesty."

"What? N-No, of course not." She reassured him.

"Good. I wanted to do that since we first met."

She looked down to conceal her blush. She felt a wave of self loathing wash over her again. This time making her a little dizzy.

"I must excuse myself. Please forgive me," she said and abruptly exited the sitting room.

She kept running until she found a quiet hallway. She was out of breath. She took slow steady breaths until her labored breathing went back to normal. She should feel ashamed of herself, even more than what she did, she thought. Last night kept flashing in her mind, reminding her of the dirty sinful things she had done with the demon.

Letting his mouth and hands touch her in places no one dared to dream about. Here was a kind, decent, royal human being, that she had mutual trust and respect for showing her genuine interest. She wanted him, but she felt unworthy and little greedy. Prince William was perfect to her. It wasn't him that she was worried about.

She worried if she could lie to him and give her heart to him if he asked. Princess Beatrice was a realist and knew in her station in life, it was rare to find true love, but with Prince William It was close. They hadn't known each other long, only four years, but she knew they would make a wonderful life together. Clancy had never led her astray with her advice. It was Princess Beatrice who had privately took matters into her own hands.

She could tell no one about these matters except Proctor. Although, she hadn't seen him in a few weeks. She had rewarded him with a title of Lord and allotted him his own land, riches, and property. He had went to assess it 14 days ago. No one else was privy to her true feelings.

It felt lonely, the burden she carried. Every 29 days she would have to succumb to it. No matter what was going on in her life. She had to get a grip on herself and emotions...