2. Tales of Death

when my grandfather used to teach me on how to use blades, he would give me a break in between sessions, in those breaks he would tell me stories, stories about the lives and eventual deaths of the old gods. one of the stories stuck with me, the story of the Iron God Gunhildr.

He was the blacksmith that made and tested the weapons of the gods, hes store was in the High Mountains, he picked this location as a test for the others, if they could not make it through the treacherous terrain without using their Holy Abilities then they were not worthy of the weapons he made.

If they made it to his store he would make them a weapon of there chosing, then after he tested it, he would help them crest their blade so only they would be able to use it. He would test the newly made weapons because his body was indestructible and he could stop any major damage occurring, where as the other gods could be destroyed if something went wrong. the power instilled in the weapons by making them in his forge could be extremely unstable, if it broke then it could decimate the mountain, which is why his second Holy Ability, Incase, was useful if the weapon broke then he could use Incase to stop most of the power from exploding outwards and wreaking havoc. infortunately one day when he was testing a weapon and when it broke he could not stop it in time and it destroyed the mountain, his store, his workshop, and the god he whose weapon he was testing. while the explosion did not kill him, it did severely wound him, rupturing his lungs, causing him to slowly suffocate despite his worshipers efforts.