The Beginning (1)

Three days...

It was already three days since Arkar got transmigrated into the body of Lucas. During these days, he spent his time trying to get a proper control of his small body and at the same time, paying attention to his surroundings to get more information.

But it was not that effective. The only thing he found out was that he was the son of someone who was very rich and the name of the maid that mainly took care of him was Alisa. It couldn't be helped because all he could do was to sit inside the cradle or crawl around the room. He was only a 10 months old baby after all.

'I have to try to walk as fast as I can and get out of this room!'

Arkar screamed in his head. It was too boring to coop up in this room for all the time... Although the room was large, it was still boring. So boring that he became gloomy. The maids tried to make him happy with a lot of toys and baby games but how could he be interested in it!

'Why is there no one to come and see me?'

During these 3 days, no one else came into his room, other than the maids that look after him. Through the conversation of the maids, he found out that he had an elder brother and sister named Edwin and Maria. According to the maids, they both were in their respective sword training sessions.

'What about the mother? Am I an abandoned child from his parents!?... Maybe they are all busy, too...'

There were too many mysteries happening around him, now. Firstly, he transmigrated, secondly, this world was not normal, (Seeing how the candles in his room lit up on its own when the night comes and Alisa made small water balls float around him when she was playing with him lead him to this conclusion.) and finally, he could understand what people were talking although they were speaking in a completely different language. He felt that he might also be able to speak this language without learning when he grew up. It was like knowing how to breathe without being taught.

'It will be great if a god pops up and explains these things....'

He was deep in thoughts as usual and as the babies' habit, he slowly became sleepy again. He couldn't resist this sleepiness of his as he closed his eyes and started to take a good nap. Babies really do sleep a lot after all.

His peaceful nap was not long as it was destroyed by the sudden sound of the doors opening. He could hear rushing footsteps which were getting closer to him. And finally he could clearly see who destroyed his peaceful slumber.

A boy whose hair was pitch black was looking at him with enthusiastic crimson red eyes. This boy seemed like he had done heavy exercise or rushed here because he was really soaked in a lot of sweat.

The one who followed that boy's grand entry was Alisa, with a worried look on her face.

"Young master Edwin, if you dash in like that, young master Lucas will be frightened"

'Oh, so he is my brother, Edwin.' Arkar thought as he studied the boy who looked about 12 years old.

"I wanted to see Lucas as soon as I can so...." Edwin looked really sorry.

"I'm sorry, Lucas. Did I frighten you?" He asked with puppy-like eyes.

'You didn't frighten me but you did ruin my great nap!' was what Arkar wanted to say but he couldn't speak, unfortunately. And even if he did he would not because it would feel a bit wrong to be angry at someone who really wanted to meet you.

And it was the first time Arkar saw one of his family-members from this world. So he felt a bit happy. At least, he was not abandoned. Thus, he greeted his brother with a bright smile of 'good to see you.

"Uwahhhh! My little brother is so cuteeee!!!" Edwin picked up Lucas and raised him up in the air. He even circled a bit.

'Hey, that's hurt! Shouldn't you be slow and gentle when holding the baby!'. Arkar screamed in his head. Now he felt nauseated and started to pray for help to come. And the one whose eyes widened in shock was Alisa. It was normal though. Who would hold a baby like that?

"Young master Edwin, forgive my impudence but you cannot hold a baby like that! What if he was hurt!? Could you please hand him over to me?" Alisa raised her tone a bit and tried to get Arkar from the hands of Edwin but before she could,

"Edwin Evandall! Would you please mind to clean yourself up before you hold Lucas!"

There came another girl who was really identical to Edwin although her hair was long and wavy. She looked a bit angry?

Arkar definitely believed that little girl was Maria, from the looks of it. 'Are they twins!?' He heard he had a brother and sister but he didn't think they would be twins.

But because of her, Edwin stopped circling around and started to calm his excitement.

"I'm not that dirty though..." Edwin pouted while holding Lucas (Arkar).

"Says the one who looks like a rat soaked with rain. Come on. Let's wash up first and we can stay with Lucas all day. We have a few holidays, remember?" Maria sighed. "Now, hand him over to Alisa."

'Wow, he really listened.' Arkar was amazed as he was in Alisa's hands. 'Maybe he is afraid of Maria?' Arkar smiled a bit at his thought.


He could see Maria's sparkling red eyes looking towards him.

"This sister and brother will come back after a while and play with you so wait for a bit, ok?" She gave a warm smile.

'She really looked like a reliable sister... Well, although I don't wanna play those baby games, I will wait for you too!' Arkar nodded and smiled.

Everyone in the room was surprised by his actions as it was amazing to see a 10 months old baby understand words and nodded.

"See ya, Lucas"

"Wait for this big brother!"

Arkar waved to them as Edwin and Maria went out. Now he was alone with Alisa.

'Evandall..... Somehow I feel like I have heard this name.... Edwin Evandall... Maria Evandall...' Arkar wondered because hearing that name felt like a deja vu to him. 'Where did I hear that....?'

Now, it was time for Arkar to go back to his thinking zone.