A Stroll around the Capital (1)

The past two months were spent with usual training for body strength and the basics of swordsmanship with Brook. At first Lucas found it was too tiring to train but now he was getting a hang of it. His body strength, of course, got stronger than before although it was nothing compared to Ryosuke.

Ryosuke, on the other hand, was also becoming more and more familiar with swords and even made the stern Brook to be a little bit softer and softer. He didn't also get scolded as much as before, too. Although both of them had improved to an extent respectively, that didn't make Brook go easy on them.

Brook then decided not to teach them the same anymore as both of their affinity are different to each other. For Lucas, he was more focused on using strength and techniques which was better for self-defense and for Ryosuke, he targeted on the skills of attacking, also starting the basics of fusing mana with the swords, and learning mana swords skills which were a lot stronger than usual. As expected, Brook gave training according to what Lucas and Ryosuke needed and at the same time considered what technique would be best for them.

'If he doesn't possess his rude way of speaking, then he would be perfect!' was what Lucas thought each time he trained with Brook.

After wrapping up for today's sword lessons, Lucas and Ryosuke parted ways for their respective routines as they both had different routines, after all. The king wanted Ryosuke to be able to join the Royal academy within 3 years as a 6th year student because he wanted him to be more familiar to other ability users in order to be able to choose his future party. So Ryosuke had to be ready with everything necessary in order to be able to do so. The next is that Ryosuke had different mana types, so he was trying in order to be familiar with most of the mana types he was proficient with, accompanied by some splendid instructors allocated by the king.

For Lucas, he didn't need any instructor and such because he just had to follow the education system of this world and go to the academy when he was twelve years old. So currently, Lucas was just busy with maximizing his limit of using his magic and at the same time, trying out whether he had affinities for other mana types or not.

Unfortunately he couldn't use any other mana type except for healing magic. Lucas sighed in depression feeling useless and also at the same time, casting healing magic on a dying plant which he asked from the gardener of their mansion.

'5 seconds. Hmm, I guess my speed improved by 2 seconds compared to last week.' Lucas sat on the floor while looking at the potted greeny plant that he just healed from its dying state. But now the plant looked healthy and the leaves also seemed to be fresh and lively.

As healing magic was the one that could only be improved through practicing, he couldn't help but to look for every alive thing that needed healing. Sometimes, Lucas visited the training areas of knights of the mansion, checking out whether they got some injuries from training and such, offering his magic if there were some injuries. Of course, Ryosuke was also his practice material because of his clumsiness.

If there was no one to try his magic on, Lucas tended to look for some dying plants as he found out that the magic can also be used on plants as plants and trees were also a type of living things. Lucas also found that it was still impossible for him to revive a dead plant.

He now recalled his records of using healing magic which only took around 5 seconds to heal a plant which had no hope, 5 seconds to heal injuries such as small scratches and around 10 seconds or more to heal bigger, but still minor injuries, such as sprains. He hadn't tried to heal major injuries, though and he wished he wouldn't have a chance to try.

For now, everything was stable and there still was no attack from the demon's side. The fight between the humans and demons had been like a game of tug of war for a long time without knowing what sparked the war at the ancient time. The demons were also trying to spread their territories while the humans were also launching raids on the areas of demons. Both of the sides also had other alliances such as beast tribes. Tribes such as lion tribes and cat tribes were allied with humans while snake tribes and listarians (which were a tribe of lizardmen) were on the side of demons.

There were also other groups which were staying neutral like elves, dragons and some magical beasts. They just watched along the conflicts and they were ok with it as long as there was nothing that would hurt them. Such peaceful beings, indeed.

'As far as I remember, there were no big incidents in the beginning of the novel….'

The novel only started its climate after Ryosuke got graduated from the academy and started out the journey, forming his party on the way. Thus, Lucas also had to be in his best condition before the future incidents started as he didn't know exactly about the details of the novels.

Knock Knock!

Lucas' thoughts were stopped again when he heard someone knocking at his room's door.

"It's me, Ryo! Can I come in?"

"Of course, big brother Ryo!" Lucas put his potted plant away for a moment and as he welcomed Ryosuke. "Are you done with your studies?"

"Sort of. Man, that elemental controlling magic is one heck of a hard one! I never realized that using magic would be that hard. Especially the wind! I am having a hard time remembering the chants and those cycles!" Ryosuke groaned as usual.

"You are just at the start brother Ryo. You will get a hang of it sooner or later. And isn't it cool to be able to use a variety of magic?" Lucas chuckled. Although Ryosuke could use most of the mana types, his main ones were weaponry specialized in swords, elemental specialized in water and finally the physical type magic, which is body enhancement. All the others needed the help of chants and magic cycles to be able to use.

"By the way, Lucas, the instructor Lia said starting from today, the capital had the three day long market day. She said that a large variety of goods across the country will be brought to the capital's market today and a lot of magical tools will also be showcased, too! Don't you want to go there!?" Ryosuke's eyes were sparkling.

'Hmm… market day. Ah… It had to be that one.'

The capital held a three-day long market day every six months. This was where merchants brought along a variety of goods from different countries and also magic tools and artifacts that the adventurers got from the monster raids. It was one of the biggest selling promotions and during these days, the capital was filled with many citizens and also foreigners from different countries.

Actually, Lucas was not that interested in this market day as the tools that he got from his family on his last birthday were more than enough for his age. He also didn't need or have anything to buy but seeing Ryosuke's eagerness and sparkling eyes, he decided to go along with him. This kid also needed an outing once in a while, right? Cooping up in just the mansion was not definitely not good no matter how wide it was. Besides, Lucas also got his official permission to go out as long as he brought along a bodyguard.

'And since there is no attack in earlier parts of the novel, it should be fine.' Lucas agreed with the idea which made Ryosuke almost fly in happiness. 'Why is he acting like a kid that just got a candy that he has always wanted!? Staying inside the mansion is that boring?'

Of course, Lucas already got a hang of staying inside the mansion as he really wasn't able to go out in 7 years here. But he believed that must be different for Ryosuke. 'Don't worry brother. I will make sure to make ways to take you out often!' Lucas was determined.

"Young master, will that be ok?" Alisa asked him while helping him to change. "I am worried that you are going out."

"Nothing will happen Alisa! I have already asked Anton to prepare a guard for us." Lucas assured her. He was also happy that he received a bag of gold coins from Anton. He said that Cassius left that for him to use when he went out. Seriously, Lucas didn't realize that his father was so generous as 10 silver coins would already be enough for a normal family of three to live for a month and 100 silver coins would be equal to 1 gold coin. Now his father left him a bag which contained almost around 20 gold coins just for a stroll.

It was also his first time spending money by himself as he didn't have any reason to use money on his own so he was pretty excited. Even in his past life, he didn't handle this huge amount of money for his family being an average one. Ryosuke also got quite a lot of money on his own as the king monthly paid out money for Ryosuke through Lia who was a court magician.

When both Lucas and Ryosuke were ready to leave, a carriage was waiting for them at the entrance and they could also see a young guard waiting for them near the carriage. He was not wearing any armor and only in flexible looking clothes but Lucas already realized that man was the guard that would be accompanying them by looking at the badge on his robe and the handle of the sword he was bringing. It was something that a knight of Evandall would have.

"Younger masters, I am called Carleton Aker. You can call me Carl and I will be accompanying you today." He made a bow and opened the carriage door as Lucas and Ryosuke stepped foot in front of the carriage. His voice was a little bit softer than what one expected from a knight.

"I see. I am Lucas! Please take care of us today, Carl!" Lucas smiled as he entered the carriage, thinking that he had seen this red head before, followed by Ryosuke who also introduced himself.

After some words that remind both of them to take care from Anton and Alisa, the carriage set off, heading to where the big market would be held. Lucas was gazing at the red head, Carl, who was sitting on the seat in front of him, asking himself why he felt so familiar. After a few moments, he finally knew the answer!

"Carl, you are the one that saved us from the minotaur during the last Dark Wave, right? Thank you for that day. If it wasn't for you, we would be as good as dead" Lucas initiated the conversation.

"Ah I didn't do anything much, Young master Lucas. I am very sorry that I wasn't able to come to your help sooner." Carl said in an apologetic tone with his eyes not daring to look at Lucas.

"Wowwww! You fight against that minotaur!? That is something awesome!" Ryosuke who was sitting beside Lucas suddenly cried out in excitement.

"It is not….. that awesome…. really.." Carl was making his head low, while scratching his neck's back.

Lucas finally knew that this Carl person was someone who was very shy when talking to other people or being complimented, by looking at his behavior. Seeing Anton choose him as their guard, his skills must be on another level, though.

Finally, after some small talks of this and that, they arrived at the market place and the trio got off the carriage as it was impossible to go in anymore. The main road was filled with many temporary shops and merchants while many people were also filling up the market, making the atmosphere lively and buzzing. The way how people were filled with excitement and how they were busy finding what they wanted among a variety of goods, even made Lucas remember about the Lucian festival. Well, he wasn't able to enjoy that festival, though.

Ryosuke also seemed to be so excited by the scenery as it was the first time since he had arrived in this world. He was now urging Lucas to check out the stores one by one as if he couldn't wait anymore.

'Let's make this kid enjoy the day.' Lucas cracked a smile while following Ryosuke into the crowd. He decided that he would make sure Ryosuke would get to enjoy the day as much as he could as they should have fun to the fullest while they can, right?