The Ereck Forest (2)

"I also wish to follow you, master Lucas!"

"Eura, too!"

As soon as Lucas told Tus and Eura about his plans for tomorrow in order that they would be able to wake him up in case Lucas overslept (which he did almost all the times since he loved sleeping), they immediately stopped what they were doing and stared at Lucas with hopeful eyes, making Lucas stutter a bit while eating his lunch.

"Lucas, I told you they would want to follow." Ryosuke was having fun as he watched Lucas convince Tus and Eura to not follow.

"I am your exclusive butler! It is given that I should follow you wherever you are!" Tus was not giving up. No matter what.

"I am your maid, too! I need to stick around you! This is what Ailsa told me!"

"Do you see Anton following father around all the time!? And Eura that doesn't mean you also have to follow everywhere!"

During these three years, both Tus and Eura became official butler and maid of Lucas and Anton and Alisa let them to follow Lucas to fulfill their roles. They even complimented how Tus and Eura were fast at learning and good at work and it should be ok carry out such roles.

"Master, why do you think we decided to learn how to fight?"

'I don't know. Why would I know!?'

Lucas screamed inside, knowing that he could not convince these two no matter what. Actually Lucas also wanted to let them follow into the forest so that they could also learn from some real hunts for monsters but he couldn't stop thinking that what if Brook got impatient and left him, saying that it was too bothersome to bring too many people. Lucas couldn't risk that. He had to follow into the forest no matter what, even if it meant he had only 1% probability of finding the sword.

"It is for situations like this, master! Please let us follow." Tus continued while Eura was nodding at Tus, saying she was also the same.

"I mean that's not something I can decide.... I don't know if teacher Brook will let you guys follow or not..." Lucas sighed.

"Then, we will ask that teacher!" Eura stated and this time it was Tus nodding at her.

'These two.... when did they get synergized this much....?'

"It will be dangerous for you guys, is that ok?"

Once Lucas asked that, Ryosuke gave him the look 'Seriously!?'. Of course, Lucas didn't realize that since he was only looking at Tus and Eura who were standing beside him.

"Master Lucas, it is not a big matter. I can handle at least a few monsters by myself."

"I can, too! I mean I can at least fight better than Lucas although I still can't match Ryo!"

Lucas somehow felt hurt by Eura's words, reminding himself that what she said was true. If one considered fighting abilities, Lucas was the weakest among the four in the dining room so he just rest assured that he shouldn't be worrying too much.

Finally, Lucas also agreed that they would follow him if there were no objections from Brook and made them promise that they would not protest no matter what the result was and if it was only them Lucas could see them sighed in relief, followed with satisfied smiles.


Brook looked at the group with a frown on his face. He knew that someone might tag along with Lucas, considering about his status and family but he didn't know that the extra number would be up to three. He glared at Lucas who was giving him a nervous laugh.

"That's why I hate instructing noble kids...." Brook murmured while his right hand covered his face.

"I can explain... teacher..." Lucas just hoped that Brook would still let him follow. At first, Lucas also thought only Tus and Eura would be following him but thought was shattered when he saw Carl standing at the mansion's entrance, saying that he would also accompany Lucas.

"I can understand why Carleton is following but what are those two?" Brook lifted an eyebrow, glaring at Tus and Eura with determined looks.

"Sir, we have the duty of accompanying master Lucas. Please let us follow. We won't burden you. We can protect ourselves." Tus started pitching Brook with Eura agreeing with him.

"I can also allow you to, but not that girl."

"Why!?" Eura, who tended to have a short-temper, unconsciously raised her voice, gaining another glare from Brook.

Lucas could understand why Brook said like that, though. Although Tus was already a full-grown 18 years old youth who seemed very capable, Eura was different. No matter how proficient Eura was in her abilities and she was around the same age as Ryosuke, she still had the height and looks of a young child, given that she was from a bear tribe.

"Sir Brook, I can assure her abilities. And I will also take responsibility for them." Carl came to the rescue, earning looks of thankfulness for Tus and Eura.

Brook looked at Eura carefully and finally he cracked a smile.

"Lucas, you have some interesting servant there"


'Did he find out Eura's identity?' Lucas believed that it was what he thought. It was possible for someone like Brook who had a lot of experience to differentiate between normal humans and beastmen, looking at their features like their eyes' irises but it was very difficult to notice if it was not someone very experienced.

Eventually, Brook let them all tag along, making Lucas calm his restless mind. Brook led them to the capital's main hall where people with teleportation magic work for some transportation services as it would take them half a day to reach Ereck forest if they went there with horses and carriages. Of course they took charges but it was nothing for Lucas and his group.

"Stand on this magic cycle"

It was not necessary to chant or use magic cycles if there were less people but for six people, he needed to use them in order to assure he didn't make any mistakes. Like the mage suggested, everyone stood on the magic cycle drawn permanently on the marble floor. Lucas looked at Ryosuke and cracked a smile when Ryosuke was saying 'Wowww, it is so cool... Like in the games...' just like Lucas had expected.

As soon as the mage had chanted a white light emitted from the cycle below them, Lucas closed his eyes for a moment because of the bright light. And when he opened his eyes again, Lucas instantly realized that the scenario in front of him had changed. The quiet hall filled with magicians had been changed into a town where people were starting their morning routines.

"We are at the teleportation gate of Ereck City, young master Lucas." Carl informed Lucas to clear up confusion. "By the way, do you feel fine? When it is the first time travelling with teleportation magic, people tend to get nauseated." He continued making everyone's eyes fall down upon Lucas.

"I feel fine. What about you guys?"

No one was feeling nauseated or dizzy which made Brook and Carl to sigh a bit. Brook was satisfied that he didn't have to give time for a rest to the kids and so he could head straight to the forest.

It was already around 7 in the morning when they got to the entrance of the Ereck forest which was located in the north side of the city.

"Let me remind you all for one last time. Ereck forest is not dangerous and we are not going deep but it doesn't mean that you guys can let your guard down. Follow my every instruction if you don't want to lose your lives." Brook looked at Lucas and his group before he looked at Carl.

"Carleton, keep watch on those two as you promised."

"Yes, sir!"

Lucas was surprised that the Ereck forest didn't have a scary atmosphere and it was not that different from the normal ones. It was a little bit damp and the trees' leaves were covering most of the sunlight from entering the forest. Brook and Carl were on guard as always although it was a forest where low level monsters inhabited.

Since they entered the forest, no one was as alert as Lucas who was paying attention to every aspect of the forests, trying to get a hint of where the rusted sword would be laying. If his memory was correct, the adventurer picked it when he was taking a rest so it had to be somewhere which was good enough to take a rest. 'Maybe a lake or something might exist near it....' Lucas thought as he silently prayed to Lucian for the first time. Praying that Lucian would be watching him and gonna help him out by giving some hints.

'Please Buddha, Jesus or whoever... maybe Lucian for this world.... bless me with some luck to find the sword!!'

After walking for around 20 minutes, they finally found their prey. It was a group of kobolds, which were humanoid reptiles with long tails, holding some low quality weapons. They would be a perfect match for Lucas and his group.

"Ryosuke, ready your sword. Lucas, prepare to support him." Brook instructed, as he decided that 7 kobolds would be ok for Ryosuke to handle if he had Lucas.

"Am I fighting alone??" Ryosuke had a frown on his face.

"Do you expect the healer to fight along with you?" Brook had a cold tone looking at Ryosuke, thinking what kind of nonsense he was saying.

"Of course not, I am meaning Tus and Eura.........."

"They are here to guard Lucas, not you. Now, stop being like this before I give you a punishment. We will be looking at the back. Don't worry, we won't let you die, at least."

Lucas just laughed a bit at Ryosuke's frowning expression, rest assuring Ryosuke that he would support him with his best. At last, Ryosuke made a deep sigh while fusing his sword with his mana, preparing to fight.

"Monsters whose names I don't know, prepare yourself!" Ryosuke shouted, making the group of kobolds to be alert and the rest of Lucas' group to be frowned at his cringey-shout.

'Well, it was to be expected from someone who is the main protagonist, I guess....?' Lucas laughed nervously as he watched carefully at Ryosuke as he activated his mana to replenish the stamina and mana of Ryosuke instantly when necessary.