Reminiscence of the Past (1)

Although they used the teleportation service to travel, Tus and Eura had to take some time as the users had trouble to directly teleport them to the Aurora valley since they didn't know the exact location.

After spending some hours walking, they had finally reached the valley in next early morning. The valley was as peaceful as ever, with no sign of people or monsters in there. Although there were some ruins, with the vines, grass and plants covering them, it portrayed a kind of beauty in the scenario.

Tus followed Eura quietly, not knowing what to ask next. He thought of some questions to make a conversation but he didn't want to make Eura to feel sad by asking, making her remember about the past.

"Isn't this place beautiful? I always wanted to take you here but I didn't know how to. Thank goodness that what Lucas is looking for is here!" Eura chuckled as she headed to the place where the head of the group stayed before.

"Yep. It is indeed beautiful!" Tus went along with Eura's flow of conversation, following where Eura was leading him to. He looked around here and there, feeling that it had to be a pretty good place to live in, combined with a lively atmosphere.

And Tus was surprised how Eura seemed unaffected by this, keeping her calm manner with an energetic voice. He really admired her strong mind as he was sure he wouldn't be able to do this if he were in her place.

They finally stopped near a rugged cabin which seemed to be bigger than other ruined houses that Tus had seen. 'This had to be the head's cabin.' Tus, instantly realized that and stepped forward as he believed the item they had to bring back was here.


The steps of Tus were stopped as soon as he heard an alarming voice from Eura and when he looked towards her, he could see Eura staring sharply to the entrance of the cabin.

"There is someone in there." Eura whispered to Tus as she slowly walked towards the entrance. She felt that it was strange she was getting a scent of a human here and she just let it be because it was not rare for some hunters to visit this valley.

But when she finally reached the head's cabin, she confirmed her thoughts. There was someone in there and that made her alarm, thinking what would happen if said human was here to bring the possession box of the head. She couldn't let this happen.

Eura instantly activated her claws and rushed into the cabin with Tus following her from behind but only to be greeted by a sharp tip of sword, pointing towards her. It hadn't reached her yet but with her mind being shocked she clashed her claws towards the man but only to be slowed down by Tus's shout.

"Eura! He is not an enemy." Tus looked at the appearance of the boy in his robe, analyzing his features.

Although the claws and sword clashed for a bit, the two parted away from each other when a sudden gust of wind emerged between them, making the hood that the other person was wearing to be lowered.

"Tus, what are you doing!"

He didn't answer as he looked at the youth before his eyes. And Tus confirmed who he was, when he finally saw the golden long hair tied into a lowered ponytail with his deep reddish brown eyes flickered for a moment.

"I greet you, Your Highness." Tus greeted politely with a slight bow. And it was only then Eura finally remembered who the young man that was standing in front of her was.

She remembered vividly about the boy who usually came to her tribe, having good relationships with the head and also with everyone else. And when the misfortune finally struck her, she recalled how the hunters said to blame the Prince Eldric for building up the relationship with them and bringing death upon them.

Eura thought she had long forgotten to blame the said Prince as she tried to put the past in the past but when she finally met him, she couldn't hide her glare towards him. Was it the hatred that she was feeling or was it the disappointment? She didn't know well.

"What are you doing here?" A cold voice of Eura emerged as she glared towards the prince. She neither greeted him nor gave a slight bow like Tus to him, not caring whether it was rude or not.

Eldric who was also surprised by the sudden appearance of the two, one who looked slightly younger than him and the other who was a young girl, first thought that they were assassins, sent by his brother but seeing that they had no intention to attack him, although the latter was having some glares towards him, he lowered his sword. He was also amazed how the boy instantly recognized his status.

'What was someone from the bear tribe doing here?' Seeing the girl with tiny bear ears on her head, Eldric was confused because he knew that this place had become a deserted area after the attack three years ago but a sudden thought struck him. 'Is she a survivor from the village?'

"I am just giving a visit." Eldric said, looking at the two people, while nodding at Tus's courtesy. "Perhaps, may I know who you two are."

"I am called Tus, Your Highness. And she is Eura. And she lived here before so we are also giving a visit." Tus handled all the conversation, having Eura in check that she wouldn't do anything out of control.

And it was when Eldric remembered the name 'Eura', wanting to hit himself badly that he didn't recognize this little girl sooner, the only daughter of the couple that he once had a friendly relationship with, the one that was living with the Evandall family currently, serving the youngest master.

'She changed a lot….' Eldric thought, looking at the young girl. Even though she still contained the looks of a young child, her expression and gesture had transformed into somewhat more mature and calm, unlike the girl he once met years ago. But he didn't know whether he had to be glad by this transformation or not.

"Nice to meet you, Tus." Eldric nodded. "As you might have already known, I am Eldric de' Rudian." And then he looked towards Eura, gently saying, "Good to see you that you are healthy and well, little Eura." He looked carefully at the daughter of the couple that he once had a friendship with.

"I would be very glad if you leave." Eura didn't return the gentle greeting of Eldric and she also didn't want to see him. She would not kill him but at the same time she really didn't want to see him in this valley. Was she being childish? She didn't care.

Tus was just looking at the two, feeling the heaviness and tension in the atmosphere, not knowing how to interfere. And he didn't prevent Eura's tone to the prince, knowing the case behind it.

Eldric didn't say anything and stepped towards the door but only to look back again at Eura before he left.

"I won't ask for your forgiveness…." Eldric bowed to 90 degrees, an act that a prince should not easily do. During these past years, although he knew that Eura was living in the capital together with Lucas, he never went and saw her well-being as he didn't have any courage to do so. But he believed that he should at least apologize properly since they had already met.

"I am really sorry for my mistake. Although I know that it is not enough with a simple apology, I am really sorry." Eldric continued.

Before he left, he also told Eura that if she needed something, feel free to come inform him and he would try everything he could to help her but as expected Eura didn't gave any response.

After that, knowing he wouldn't get any replies from the girl, he decided to leave the cabin as his purpose for a simple visit on his way to his destination had finished. He also decided to hurry back as his guards, who he had left behind saying he wanted to have time alone, would definitely get worried if he took long.

As he left the cabin and walked away from the ruined village, a thought still lingered in his mind. Apart from Eura, he felt familiarity from the boy named Tus, too.

'Have I met him somewhere before?'

Eldric tried to think of an appearance of a golden haired boy with emerald eyes but nothing came to mind. It was really strange, indeed for Eldric as he left the valley in thoughts.