Thoughts & Letters

"Next time, whenever you go out, you will bring someone with you. Promise?"

"Yes!" Lucas couldn't even disagree and he wanted Tus to finish this long speech, explaining about the dangers outside of the world, untrustworthiness of strangers, about his position, his age and such.

'Am I a 10 years old kid to be told like that…..?' And Lucas realized, making him almost strike his forehead against the table in depression, that he was indeed a 10 years old kid in their eyes which was not strange that they wanted to give Lucas more awareness.

"I hope that Master will heed to my words."

"I will! Definitely!"

"Come on, Tus. I'm sure Lucas understands that now. You should stop or else his ears are going to explode."

At last, Eura, who wasn't able to look at the situation on the sideline, decided to interfere and started to drag Tus outside to the room. She knew too well about Tus and was able to sympathize with Lucas, after all.

"I deeply apologize if I overstep my bounds, master. I am just worried…"

Tus looked like an innocent rabbit who was preparing for some scolding back, which was really different from his aura a few seconds ago. It almost made Lucas shout out why it was so easy to change his behavior in a few seconds.

'How am I supposed to get angry at you when you are making such a face!' Lucas was thinking to glare or pout or do something but now looking how Tus was really apologizing, he felt disheartened to do such whims.

Saying that it was ok, Lucas was able to make Tus and Eura go out, which he was very glad to be freed at last. But again, he stopped them as he had something left to tell.

"By the way, please tell me immediately if you hear some news about Sansa. And also, about big sister Maria."

Lucas believed that if Tus and Eura didn't inform him, no one else in the mansion would tell those news to him which was why he depended on Tus and Eura for that, hoping that at least those two would be informed of the news.

"And also ask them when Alisa would be coming back to the mansion."

It took too long for Alisa to come back to the mansion and Lucas felt suspicious upon it. He heard that she also lived in the southern part of the territory, after all.

'Nothing bad is happening to her, right?'

Among the servants, she was the one who kept in touch with Lucas the most, prior to Tus and Eura's arrival. And it was also because she was one of the trusted servants of Duchess Stacia which was the reason that she became the nursemaid of Lucas. And although it was true that Eura was handling most of the things related to Lucas, he somehow felt something was lacking when he didn't see Alisa for a long time.

With the promise that they would heed to Lucas's command, they left the room, leaving Lucas alone as he had requested.

'Finally, it is done...'

Tus's scolding which was not stopped even when Lucas was eating finally came to an end and it made him remember how he was scolded a lot from his mother from the past life. It was rare for him to get this kind of lecture here.

Actually, Lucas was never given such scolding from his family in this life, given that his father was kind of like giving permission to his children to do literally everything as long as they didn't go overboard, and his brother and sister being too doting on him even to the point that they were not able to raise their voice on Lucas or nag him around or held him up in long lecture.

"Time to check the letters." Lucas firstly opened Walter's letter which he had found to be more important in the recent case.

It was just like Lucas had expected because it said Maria had him one of the participants in handling the case in Sansa and she also paid attention to what Walter had to say, too. She would definitely act like that because she had no options left. Instead of being senseless of what to do, it was better for her to at least have a lead.

'Wow, Sansa is in lockdown, now…' Lucas grinned because of the fact that it was going according to his will even though he didn't explain Walter about much.

'It is great to have the local church as a facility for infected ones since they kept the patients there from the start. Does PPE suit exist here? But just wearing gloves and clothing that will cover the whole body will be enough since it does not transmit through air. Maybe, I should recommend him to make a lighter version like that. Nice.'

(*PPE = Personal Protective Equipment)

Being one of the people who had lived in Covid-19 era before in his past life, Lucas couldn't help but relate this situation to that of his previous life. Most of his tips came from there and a part of his mind thought it was a bit lucky to have such an experience because it was like an instructional manual that he could use right now.

Since Lucas was worried that the disease would probably spread to other parts of the kingdom, unknowingly, he decided to tell Walter to advise Maria that she should probably report it to the king and make a lockdown for 8 days and separate the people who was coughing and nose-bleeding at the same time, which were the earliest symptom. It might seem like he was exaggerating but Lucas couldn't risk it. Not even one bit.

Walter said that they were still accepting the supplies from outside so Lucas thought a letter would have been no problem. So he instantly wrote back some instructions that Walter still needed but as he wrote a worry immersed from his mind.

'How are we going to handle the infected ones?'

Lucas didn't know the cure and no matter how hard he thought, wrecking his brain, finding some answers from the novel, he definitely remembered that even in the novel they didn't find a cure, and they had no choice but to let all the infected people die. And with that the country started its first step to doom.

'There are nearly 20 people infected….'

According to what Walter had said in the letter, the amount was still few but it was the specified number and he didn't know how many people were infected already but was not in the stage of showing symptoms. Sansa not being a small town really put pressure on Lucas's mind, too. And he also had to calculate the possibility that one infected person would have already left Sansa but might have spread the disease in other places.

Believing in the possibility that there had to be some increase in the numbers of infected people, Lucas sighed deeply. He didn't want to let those people die but till now he didn't have any solution. It was not a disease where people could recuperate and Alohara would only help to a certain extent because of the immunity that people developed, the death for those people was sooner or later.

'Something… something that will cure them…'

Holding the quill, Lucas almost scratched the paper as he wanted to scream out and he did so after a few seconds.

"Why the heck does it even start in the first place!?"

It was the strangest thing that Lucas had faced. He couldn't understand why a disease that should have been brought to the world only a few years later was now arriving early to this kingdom. And why Lucian who told him like 'Make sure Ryo can fight a demon commander in 5 years of time.' didn't warn him about this. Lucas thought this was definitely a more serious case no matter how one looked at it.

'Does it mean that Lucian also knows only the record, not the future of this world?'

Lucas kind of had a tiny suspicion that this world might not be the same in the novel and there might be a chance that it was kind of a parallel world with the similar features but now his doubts grew stronger.

'That could be a possibility.'

But that was also a contradiction that Lucas was having with the possibility. It was because he couldn't think of Ryosuke fighting with the demon commander in the early parts of the chapter. Of course, it could be that he just forgot about it because earlier chapters were kind of scattered in his brain but now he felt lost, not knowing which route that he should take because it also could have meant that Lucian knew this new future.

'Haaa…...Let's solve the matter in front of me first….'

Lucas didn't know why he was wrecking his brain like this. And he sincerely wished that it would be so much better if seeking advice from Lucian was as easy as googling.

There was once a time he thought school homework was the worst and it would be great if he could just isekai-ed to another world where there was no homework and just needed to fight some monsters here and there but now, in reality, he wanted to take back what he had said.

Thinking that it was pointless to make such whims right now, Lucas decided to focus on the letter. Whatever the reason was, he felt it was more important to solve the disease first and he could look through more answers when the situation calmed down or safe to assume that it was no longer a bigger threat.

And whether the disease was spreading to a large number of places or not would be clear to a certain extent after a week or so and firstly, he wanted to focus on separating the infected people from others.

A few minutes later, Lucas was successfully able to finish the letter, containing the instructions that Walter might have needed. Since it was not something that should be delayed, just like how Walter had sent the letter to him, he made Tus ask a teleportation magic user working in the mansion to teleport the letter to Sansa's post office.

In order to do that, one needed the exact coordinates of the exact location just like how a person in the modern age needed a postal code for sending letters. And it needed to be more precise than teleporting people, making it to take more charges which was why it was not that widely used within the commoners.

'One work is done. Now it's time to relax a bit…'

Lucas lied again on his soft bed, opening the letter from Ryosuke. It was not even a week that Lucas had left from the capital and Ryosuke had left for the academy but he definitely felt that this amount of time was almost similar to that of a month.

And Lucas almost grinned when he thought of the mess he met and activities he did during this short amount of time, noting that it was one hell of a headache week.

As he had expected, the letter was mostly filled with Ryosuke describing the features of the academy and his whims of taking his first studies. He almost chuckled at the hand-writing of Ryosuke, given that the writing of this world was definitely not for Ryosuke but he appreciated his effort, though.


Lucas almost grinned at how Ryosuke was describing his happiness for meeting Stella again, thinking that whether Ryosuke had already fallen hard for her and he almost cursed him at the same time because he had to suffer from thinking continuously right now while Ryosuke was happily spending his life at the academy.

'Yea, yea… it is great that you are happy…' Lucas thought that it was also great if Ryosuke felt attached to this world as much as possible so that he would not think about going on a rampage later.

Lucas read and read the letter, envying how Ryosuke was enjoying his life without knowing what was happening in here. But the last few sentences, somehow, made him smile.


'Wow, at least he still wants me there.'

Lucas felt that it was somehow nice to know that.


'Yea, I will be looking forward to your visit.'

Lucas sincerely hoped that the day where they could roam around the city freely without any disease to worry would definitely happen.