Are you an ... ? (2)

"Is it that surprising?"

Rajia almost giggled in amusement as he saw Lucas, who was in a calm demeanor all this time, started to be dazed in shock and awe.


Lucas also introduced himself although he realized that Rajia might have already known that, wondering that it would be a lot better if his dear instructor can talk with such soothing voice for once. While he was in his thoughts, Rajia's words brought him back to the reality.

"But why would you need a spirit, though?" As far as Rajia knew, it had no ways to cure the curse. Not even healing magic of high level could do that. And in the familiar spirits, there was no one who had the ability to cure such kind of curse.

"Because normal healing magic doesn't work."

Lucas knew that healing magic could make the disease spread more and bring the person to death but it was just the sprint between magic and curse of who could win. If the healer's magic activated and healed so fast that the curse would not be able to react, then there should be no problem. And he explained his thinking slowly to Rajia, hoping that the cardinal would understand.

"That's why I needed a healing magic that would be strong enough to win the curse. And for that I needed the help of a spirit."

Lucas didn't know why Rajia looked like he was thinking something before he continued the next words but he decided to wait as he thought it should take some time for a person to bargain the possibilities and consequences before giving out the family's secret. Even in the novel, Rajia gave out the secret when he knew that it was already a critical situation for the kingdom and decided that the help of the spirits was necessary.

"Did Brook tell you this? I mean how the curse works?"


'Did Brook know something about this, too?' Lucas was amazed at the thought that he was on the verge of knowing something. But before he could ask for more, Rajia cut the conversation out.

"No… never mind."

It seemed that Rajia also noticed the clueless look of Lucas and he didn't pursue further information. For him, it was also possible that the god gave him some guidings for the situation.

"Are you sure that you are going to summon a spirit?"

Lucas saw that the gaze of Rajia was not simply just a tender and warm one like before. But instead, it was a deep look that was questioning his determination for the next process. After all, summoning a spirit is no easy job. It was something that even Ryosuke wasn't capable of in the original story.

"Yes, I am."

Lucas needed to do this. He couldn't just sit and wait for the curse or disease to destroy the whole kingdom and bring death to his family even before the main cases of the original story line started.

"Even though you knew that failure might bring you death in the worst case scenario."

In truth, Rajia didn't want to allow it. He didn't want the sacrifices to come back again. Once was already enough. If he could summon a spirit by himself, he would have already done it but sadly, he didn't have the capability to do so as he failed the first requirement of having the blood and soul acknowledged by the god to be worthy for a spirit.

But the youngest son of the duke was telling him strongly that he would meet the first requirement. Whether it was true or not would only be known when it was tested but if the child had passed the first requirement, it was sure that it was the will of the god. And he had no place to stop that. Moreover, to his understanding, this way was the only ray of hope for the kingdom to not fall in despair without large sacrifices. And for the kingdom, he would take any risk to do so.

"It's ok. I have to do it. If I succeed, we won't even need to kill and burn the people to stop the curse."

A small smile of Lucas appeared on his face, thinking about the possibility of contracting with a spirit to become his familiar. The chance was small but he knew why Ryosuke failed. And he knew that he had a hope to win.

"I understand. When do you want to try?"

"As soon as possible."

Lucas heard Rajia sighed as he quietly listened for what the cardinal in front of him would tell next.

"Then, come here and find me tomorrow early morning. I will arrange the things necessary. I will also let you look at the book tomorrow so that you can be prepared."

"Thank you so much, Sir!"

Lucas was glad that he could start tomorrow because he knew that today was totally impossible given that Tus and Carl were already waiting for him. But tomorrow, he could make excuses like he was going to make a praying camp with the cardinal or such. Not that he knew if such a camp would exist though.

"Then excuse me for today."

Lucas made a small bow to the cardinal before he left the room, leaving Rajia behind alone in the silent room to be wondered in thoughts about if a certain someone that he knew would allow such a dangerous occasion to happen upon a child.

'If it was that person, she would stop no matter what… Even if it was the will of god.'

Rajia felt ashamed that he had no such mindset like her. He could only make a prayer to god instead, watching silently against the closed marble door.

"May Lucian's protection be fall on you."

The prayer room was now quiet once again.


"Hey Lucas!"

Lucas thought that he would have some time of quietness when he arrived back at the mansion after being bombarded by Carl and Tus with questions of what he was doing at the cathedral to take a long time. But instead, there was a loud and cheerful voice welcoming him as he stepped outside of the carriage.

He knew this person clearly. The person that he thought he would not be able to meet for some time.

"Hello big brother Ryo. What are you doing here?"

'Shouldn't you be studying at the academy?' Lucas didn't remember informing Ryosuke about his returning to the capital. He wondered if his brother sent a letter to him in advance.

"I got permission to go out for a while!"

"Not like you sneaked out of the academy?"

Ryosuke just laughed off awkwardly, making Lucas believe that his question just got an answer. Lucas didn't know how he had managed that but maybe there might be some privilege for him being the main character for this world.

"Welcome back Lucas! Did you have a fun praying time?"

'Is there even a fun praying time???'

Lucas couldn't figure out Eura at some time. He really couldn't. But the fun and nice nature of the girl was something he found comfortable to interact with.

"I didn't think that you would come back this soon. I was planning to come to Evandall territory at the semester break though. Is something wrong with the territory?"

Lucas didn't know if Ryosuke would figure out that the atmosphere got a little bit tense as he asked the question.

'Oh really, they all have a hard time pretending...' Lucas knew that both Carl and Tus had some troubles in keeping some big secrets when they were directly asked about that but he didn't know it would be this word.

"Did something really happen?"

"Not really, big brother. I just came here because I missed the environment."

Lucas put down the tea cup as he cracked a smile at the situation and replied back.

"If your family heard that, they would get a depression."

Lucas just giggled at Ryosuke's response, later realizing that his smile was making the room environment to be blooming which made him to almost sigh a bit.

"You didn't even tell me that you were coming."

'Is he sulking?? Really?' Lucas couldn't believe what he was seeing. He thought that Ryosuke was going to be a lot more adult-like as he started to go to the academy but now the reality was different. Ryosuke was sulking like a child who didn't get to meet his expectations.

"It just happened on a whim. But how do you know that I was coming though?"

"You brother told me. He even added in the letter again and again to take care of you properly. Not that I'm not going to even if he didn't ask."

"Oh, I see… Are you doing well at the academy? Is there anyone bullying you?"

"Lucas, you look like a mom. You don't need to worry cause I am doing well! I even made some friends! Oh, talking about friends, here cookies for you. Liam made them for you when he knew I was going to meet you. You should know that I talked about you to my friends a lot! By the way, Liam is my roommate."

Ryosuke was chattering about his academy experience but Lucas no longer had interest in what he was saying next.

'Roommate?' Lucas was confused as he took the cookies packed in a clear bag that Ryosuke handed over.

'Ryosuke got along with his roommate? And he even made cookies for him?'

In the novel, Ryosuke didn't get along with his roommate and in fact his roommate was someone like a minor villain because he was also one of the many people that bullied Ryosuke in his academy life. And he started to get some friends for his raiding party only after some time had passed.

And Lucas didn't remember there was a Liam in the raiding party. So he could just simply be just an extra character.

It was possible that change in how Ryosuke was treated before the entrance to the academy and his position pictured as a distant relative from the duke could be the reasons why.

In fact, Lucas's actions changed who was supposed to happen. It was a good change till now but Lucas' mind got heavy as he continued to think.

What if he brought up a bad change unconsciously?

"Lucas, are you ok? You don't like cookies?"

Ryosuke's worried voice brought Lucas's mind back to the conversation again. It was just then, Lucas realized that both Tus and Eura was looking at him with worried eyes.

'I made unnecessary worries for others again…' Lucas just sighed as he decided to lighten up the mood that he just destroyed.

"I was just thinking that…"

Everyone's attention fell to Lucas more deeply as Lucas pretended that he was hurt like a child.

"That Big Brother Ryosuke isn't going to care for me anymore because he made new friends."

The room was quiet yet again before Tus and Eura spoke.

"Lucas, if Ryosuke ignores you, I will make sure he will regret it for a long time."

"I agree. Just tell us and we will make sure that young master Ryosuke will regret it."

'Are you guys typically forcing a relationship?' Lucas was dumbfounded as he didn't expect such an aggressive response. He just wanted to shift the topic but now he regretted it.

"Guys, take it easy...…"

But then, there was another response that followed up the two siblings.

"Lucas, don't worry about it."

Ryosuke patted Lucas's head as he stated.

"Because there is no way that I will leave you out for others."

Lucas didn't say anything but instead, the corners of his lips slowly went up.

'You better not.'

Lucas thought as the conversation continued to flow on. Today felt so warm and fun but he was sure that tomorrow was going to be hard.

But Lucas was doing that hardship cause he didn't want such warmth to disappear. And because of that he was certain that he was going to win it no matter what.