I will □□□ . (1)

The surrounding was neither bright nor dark, faintly lit up with creatures that looked like fireflies and with similar lights on tops of trees and ground in a tranquil nature. There were some human-like silhouettes surrounding Lucas, curious of the new being that had stepped into their world.

'The home of spirits…' It was another realm co-existing with the world that Lucas was currently living in. Noting that it was indeed quite a beautiful place, overwhelmed by nature's scenes, Lucas stood up on the dark green grass.

"Hmmm, Hello?"

Lucas simply greeted the human-like shadows surrounding him, knowing that they were the spirits. Whether they were the spirit type that Lucas really wanted or not wasn't that sure.

'Finding the right spirit comes first.'

Lucas remembered Ryosuke not being that welcomed by the spirits and even had difficulties in finding the spirit to contract with him and thus, he expected the same to happen. It was known throughout the novel that spirits were not that friendly with the humans as they lived on the separate path and didn't interfere unless there was an absolute necessity.

"Actually, I am looking for a spirit capable of healing the demon's curse… Is there anyone like that? I really need his help."

He could hear some murmuring around him but he couldn't figure out what they were talking about making Lucas to curse that he didn't have any resources to learn spirit language in his world.

And if it was in his past life, he would properly jump out and scream if he heard such whisperings and shadows but currently, he felt proud that he didn't do any of that. The murmuring lasted for a few seconds but then suddenly stopped making the surrounding to be silent once again.

Lucas was careful, expecting some sort of attack from the spirits just like what happened to. They would not kill someone who came here with the approval of Lucian but they could show their hostility if they wanted to. It was stated that there were also ways to come into the spirit world without the approval of Lucian, which meant without the Book of Knowledge.

But Lucas didn't want to try that with such short-tempered spirits who could be very ruthless at some points since it would not guarantee his life.

But to his surprise, the spirits were not hostile to him for a reason that he didn't know. But instead, the human-like silhouettes moved to a place, seeming like inviting Lucas to come forward. It was not that Lucas wasn't grateful for it but he found it to be a bit strange.

Lucas also tagged along behind them carefully, inspecting the scenery around him carefully. But everywhere he looked, it was just a grass field with some other trees which were not too close to each other, dimly lit by the small globes of lights.

Finally the spirits stopped moving and started to disperse and disappeared slowly as Lucas looked at what was in front of him.

A willow tree in deep green was standing before him with its leaves swinging slowly as a soft wind blew as it was inviting him in.

Lucas also moved forward under the shadow of the tree. He thought that it would be pretty dark but it was not really like that. The same as other scenery he had seen previously, it was also lit by some small globes of light, helping Lucas to be able to see well the trunk of the tree.

"I heard that you were looking for a spirit of healing."

Lucas tried to look at the place where there was a monotonous deep voice, only seeing the shadow in front of him.

"Yes. Are you the one that I am looking for?"


There was not really a long reply.

"I would like to cure the demon's curse."

Staring straight towards the shadow, Lucas described his reason for coming here.

"And I need your power for that. Can you please grant me your help?"

The spirit neither complained nor replied but Lucas felt that the shadow in front of him was looking at him deeply which nearly made him get chills.

"Can you help me heal the demon curse?"

Lucas continued, inspecting the air around him, waiting for the spirit's answer.

"I can."

He drew back his desire to smile in happiness when he found the spirit that he was looking for because he knew that it was only the beginning.

"Why would I help you?"

The monotonous and unfriendly voice appeared again and this time Lucas felt that the tranquil atmosphere was starting to get tenser with the aura of the spirit. Spirits had more aura in the spirit realm, which was their domain and their aura could even make a person die from difficulty breathing.

'Yep, spirits are stingy with their power.'

Lucas was not afraid or irritated yet because the situation was a lot better than he expected. He didn't know if Lucian interfered somehow and if it was the case, Lucas would promise to pray properly for Lucian for a few weeks.

"Because if you don't help, the demons are going to have an advantage to over rule the human world."

The most obvious reason is that if the Rudia Kingdom was ruined, Ryosuke would not be able to grow properly. He was the only one with the power to stop the demon lord and if he didn't grow well, Lucas didn't know what would be the outcome.

And the good or bad of the human world could also affect the tranquility of the spirit world and demons could even invade this peaceful place, raging a war with the spirits which the spirits didn't really want.

"I see your reason. But why would I lend my assist to someone who didn't even belong here?"

Lucas was neither surprised nor smiled at the fact that the spirit had already known about his existence. They also knew that Ryosuke didn't belong to this world in the novel which was why they were reluctant to lend their help.

'They are stingy even though we are trying to help.'

He just calmly looked at the shadow-like figure, recalling a chapter that he had cursed a lot. The chapter where Ryosuke asked for help to the spirits in a hurry but again and again, the spirit he needed just asked why he should lend him his help.

Because the spirits tend to believe that it was a risk to lend their power to someone who didn't have strong attachment to this world. For Ryosuke, after Stella's death, he really didn't have that much of an affection to this world. He fought against the demon lord with just the hope of returning home but not for this world's sake.

For spirits, someone like Ryosuke was a risk. They didn't know whether Ryosuke would rebel against them at some point. That was why Ryosuke failed to gain a spirit as a familiar and suffered from the mana over usage for a while because he passed through the barrier again without the protection of a spirit.

'They reap what they sow.'

Lucas didn't really pity them when they all panicked and got in trouble when Ryosuke finally decided to destroy the world, to make it vanish together with them.

"But I promise that you won't regret your choice."

"No one knew that future."

Lucas agreed with the statement. Even him, who read the novel only knew one possible future and he wasn't sure of what would exactly happen in his timeline.

"That's why you can test me however you want."

Lucas gave out a smile. Spirit liked to test people, enjoying the feeling that they were a higher being than others. A bossy nature that Lucas didn't quite like but there was nothing he could do at that moment.

"I won't test you."


Lucas was dumbfounded at the words that he heard.

"Instead, I would like to make an offer."

'That's crazy… A spirit making an offer?'

But he didn't interfere even though it sounded very absurd. He wanted to hear what kind of offer would be made.

"Give me all of your mana."

'You little sh-'

Lucas almost shouted at the spirit's face even though he didn't know where the face was located.

'If I give you all of my mana, I would die from mana depletion! What are you getting at!?'

"Your mana seems to be a little bit special. Since healing is also my main capability, I just started to desire it."

The monotonous voice started to get creepier and Lucas felt that the air was getting tensed and tensed as the spirit continued to talk.

"But I would die if I did that. Why would I do that?"

There was a small laugh emerging from the human-like shadow and Lucas didn't like that laugh.

"But you would be able to go back to your world. Not this world you didn't belong to but your own world."

"What in the world are you talking about?"

Lucas didn't believe that. He knew the most that it was impossible. Even Lucian wasn't able to send Ryosuke back home because the balance of the world would disappear.

Lucas glared at the spirit. He couldn't see the spirit's face but he imagined that annoying being to be smirking. In truth, Lucas didn't appreciate the spirit to be reminding him of his past life.

"I can help you with that."

The spirit paused for a second before his deep, dull and annoying voice continued.

"I will show you a proof."

The surrounding scenario changed before Lucas could even reply back to the spirit. His eyes, being not able to take in the sudden brightness, shut in reflex but when he opened back again, he saw a familiar scenario, not from the world that he lived for 10 years but from his past life.

He could see a couple whose faces he knew too well, whose faces he never forgot about during this past 10 years. They looked a little bit more aged then he last saw them.

"Mom! Dad!"

There was a girl running towards the couple with a blooming smile on her face.

'Nway Oo…'

She was just like Lucas had imagined her to be, becoming a beautiful grown up who was really cared for and loved.

"What kind of prank are you pulling up?"

Lucas glared strongly at the silhouette that was standing right beside him.

"Didn't I tell you?"

The dull voice that Lucas thought to be so annoying emerged sly again, continuing his words in a satisfied manner.

"That I could return you to your world."