I'm Alright


The loud voice of the people made Lucas get back to his senses, noticing that he should explain the situation properly instead of figuring out why so many people were there. It made him feel like he was an old man from his deathbed.

"The ritual is finished so we can interfere, right?"

He could hear Tus's fierce voice, aiming at Rajia, making him confused.

'Tus, you always talk gently… What happened to you?'

But Rajia didn't reply. He just looked at the cat which was standing beside Lucas and glaring at him with deep green eyes as if it was inspecting them.

Rajia instantly noticed that Lucas had succeeded and that being was actually a spirit. He could feel a huge amount of holy energy from that being which made him be careful of what he said or did, knowing that it was not really good to provoke a spirit which was why he was waiting for the time for it to disappear. He was told that spirits were short-tempered and didn't like loud situations.

Which was why he just waited for the response of the spirit and with others following at his gaze.

'Why are you looking at me like that?'

It was just then Lucas had noticed that he had a cat sitting beside him. A feeling of surprise rose in him as he had never expected for a spirit to take the form of an animal or a cat. He just expected it to be invisible or take the form of a human being.

'Hey kid, call me later.'

Alexios also picked up the situation that they would not be able to do what they want freely and he just noted that he would be considerate and just leave them be. To be added, he noticed that an annoying moment was going to come soon, according to his intuition and he wanted to avoid it.

Lucas felt like he was abandoned. He was going to tell the spirit to help him explain that he was 100% ok but the Persian cat had already disappeared like a smoke after he had told him what he wanted.


"Master! Are you alright? Excuse me but let me pick you up."

"Lucas, here, wipe your blood with this."

Tus and Ryosuke immediately came running to Lucas before he could even explain the situation, Ryosuke giving his robe to wipe up the blood and Tus instantly picking it up, thinking that the marble floor might be too cold for Lucas.

"I can stand by myself. Tus, put me down."

A sense of embarrassment came into Lucas's mind as he was being carried even though he was in his best shape. But no one listened to him. Literally no one.

"Cardinal, please… please check how the young master is doing!"

Followed by them was Carl who was asking Rajia to check Lucas's condition. It was obvious that he was trying to be calm but at the same time he wasn't.

"I am alright now! Look, the blood has already stopped!"

Lucas quickly notified them. He had to tell in a hurry as the people around him looked like they were being burned with fire and the atmosphere seemed like he was a patient who was in a critical situation.

"Don't talk, Lucas. Just stay quietly and let him examine you."

'Now you guys don't even give me a chance to talk?'

Instantly, he felt that his hand was being held by Rajia and his body was being inspected. The whole atmosphere became quiet and serious which even made Lucas unconsciously stop speaking.

Rajia then sighed and smiled after examining Lucas's body situation and mana flow. Nothing seemed to be wrong which made the cardinal quite relieved.

"There is nothing wrong with his body. Just let him rest properly for a few days."

Rajia's words helped the tense atmosphere disappear. And after him, everyone was also sighing in relief.

"I told you guys that I am ok. Are you forgetting that I am a healer? This much blood is nothing to me, you know. I don't know wh-... Wait, Tus, are you crying, seriously!?'

Lucas felt like his heart had dropped. He didn't know what to do and when he looked at the others, he could see similar expressions.

"Master… you didn't know how worried we were when you suddenly…"

"Suddenly what?"

"Lucas… you should never do something like that again. Never again!"

Ryosuke also joined in the conversation with a glare that Lucas felt to be so fierce.

Lucas really did want to know what in the world had happened.

"Young master, if something were to happen to you… Please… please don't do something like this again..."

He could hear Carl murmuring this again and again.

Brook was also staring at him with a grumpy face and Rajia sighing and thanking Lucian again and again.

'Alexios? Are you here? What the hell did you do?'

Lucas tried to call that damn spirit who abandoned him as soon as he came back but there was no response. Lucas cursed at the spirit.

"Your mana got weakened and disappeared for a moment."

Lucas's eyes widened, not believing what he had just heard.

Rajia interfered as he realized that Lucas didn't understand even one bit of the situation, recalling the moment that he thought Lucas was done for.

"We tried to give our mana to you as much as we could and also tried other ways too but nothing changed no matter how we tried. We even thought that you were going to fail but since the ritual wasn't finished yet, we could only wait for the result."

'Wait?? My mana disappeared!?'

Lucas's head was packed with alarms and he now understood why they were like this.

They might have thought that he was dead. It was a possibility that that happened because of the spirit's test which he noted that he would ask about that later. He could also figure out why Ryosuke was even here. They would have tried to pray to Lucian with the hero out of panic.

He decided to not ask for more. Currently, it was much better to wrap up the situation and return to home.

"I am alright. Nothing is wrong with me now, see? I even get a familiar spirit so instead of crying, why don't you all congratulate me?"

Lucas made sure to smile with all he might to show that he was completely fine, wiping away the tears of Tus who was holding him tightly, making sure that he was kept warm.

'How could you smile even with all of that blood….?'

It was a thought stuck to everyone's mind. They knew that summoning a spirit definitely was not easy and after losing all these blood and using up his mana, Lucas would be drained out but he couldn't understand why this 10 years old child was smiling as if everything was ok.

Even if he was a healer, it didn't mean that he didn't have limits.

Tus looked at his master, glad that he was still breathing and alive. He didn't even want to recall how he had felt when he found out that Lucas was summoning a familiar, when Rajia was explaining the process and when the situation suddenly turned into wrose.

But before all of that, Lucas's well-being was the priority. No matter how good he was at healing himself, he would be tired from all these more or less. Tus tried to hold back his tears.

"Let's return, Master. You need to rest."

Everyone accepted that Lucas needed to rest so they became quiet, concerned that their worries would make Lucas feel more pressure.

Lucas was really glad to hear that, being thankful that Tus was trying to wrap up the situation for him.

"That's the best idea."

"Then I will go call the carriage."

Carl ran out in a hurry.

Lucas gave a sigh as it was already over. More than summoning a spirit, such kind of situation made him much more tired.

Ryosuke was complaining that he would like to follow Lucas to his home but Brook cut him out, saying it was unnecessary, making the little hero to be irritated.

"Big brother, just go back. I will write you letters about the situation later."

"Don't you dare leave out even one single fact."

Feeling that he was so useless, Ryosuke clenched his hands. It was said that he was a hero and had an ability that no one had before.

But he couldn't even help Lucas. He believed that Lucas not relying on him with the situation was the exact proof that he was not strong enough in Lucas's mind.

'I need to get stronger….'

He didn't wish for Lucas to handle things on his own. Ryosuke wanted to be someone that Lucas could freely rely on. He promised himself that he would make sure to be a strong person for Lucas.

"Rajia, do you have something that this stupid kid can wear? Maybe a robe or something that can cover his clothes."

Lucas was surprised to hear the voice of his teacher who was staying quiet, glaring at him with fierce face all this time. And it was just then he noticed that the white clothes he had worn were already soaked in red blood.

If he just went back like that, the whole mansion would be on haywire. Lucas was thankful for his instructor's thoughtfulness.

Lucas left the cathedral, covering himself with the robe that Rajia gave him. He came here in the morning but it was already late evening when he went out of there, noting that time flows were different when travelling between the realms.

Riding in the carriage that slowly drove back to the mansion, Lucas felt satisfied as he could get a solution for the disaster that was included in the novel. He had to immediately head back to Sansa.

But he believed that he would need his father's help because he would never be able to get into Sansa if his sister was the one who was handling the case.

'I should write a letter as soon as I go back.'

Everyone told him to rest but he had no desire to because it was unnecessary for him.


"Duke, here are the letters for today."

In the early morning, Cassius twitched his eyebrows, suffering from the headache from the current situations of the territory. Because of these, other dukedoms were sending him countless letters asking him of the situation, afraid that the curse would also happen in their territories.

He took a quick glance to know the senders but to his surprise, he found a letter from his youngest son who was supposed to be at the capital.

Cassius opened the letter straight away, curious on what Lucas wanted to tell him. As soon as he had read the letter, he couldn't help but to be frowned.

'Father, I have found a way to heal the curse. Please accompany me to Sansa so that I can enter the city.'

"What in the world did this child do?"

The duke was delighted to hear the news but at the same time, a sense of uneasiness and concern filled up his mind as he couldn't figure how his youngest son knew the situation happening in territory or how he could find a way to heal.

Cassius noted that he would surely need to ask when Lucas came back.