Adventure Begins

"This game is called "RPG World", meaning it is a battle story game."

"This game allows players doing anything they want except for being extreme towards NPCs. Wait, does monster count as NPC?"

Abigail thought out loud while walking towards a random direction on the grass field.

"System reminder: Monsters does not count as NPCs. You will instinctively know which is monster and what is killable once they enter your sight."

"I see, "instinctively", huh? I wonder how it feels."

"Let's check my stats."


Player name: Abigail

Durability: 100

Power: 100

Stamina: 100

Recovery: 100

Mana: 100

Sense: 100

Stat point: 0

Strong point: 1


"Strong point? 2 times?"

"System reminder: Every time your level reached a number of power of 10 (like level 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc.), you will gain a strong point. You can put the strong point on any stat field. That stat will have a 2 times multiplier. You can only put 1 strong point on 1 stat field only."

"Thanks for the explanation."

Abigail is the believer of 'Best offence is the best defense'. Because… If the enemy died, who will attack you? Base on her many years game veteran experience and her own beliefs, she put her strong point to 'Power' field without a second thought.

Not long after Abigail closed the stats screen, she saw some translucent green round objects moving around in a distance.

"Is that a green slime pack in the distance?"

"Yes, I think so."

Abigail answered herself as she walked closer. Those 'boing boing' jumpy movements, that cute semi-transparent outlook, all the evidences are pointed towards the slime.

"I see… I feel that is a monster and I can attack it. So that is how 'instinct' works."

Abigail approached the green slime group steadily and carefully, testing the detection range of those slimes.

As she got closer and closer, she got more nervous. 20 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters, 3 meters, 2 meters… 1 meter? Wait, did these slimes have no detection range? Or maybe it is not aggressive unless provoked? More likely the second guess.

Although Abigail felt a little bad about it, but she wouldn't care less. She swung her sword and sliced the green slime in half. Then, she jumped backwards to see the response of the green slime and its group. The group has no response. They are all eating grass still. The slime being attacked was provoked and jump towards Abigail. At the same time, the level, name and health bar appeared on top of the slime. Abigail positioned to a shield stance and the slime slammed on the shield instantly.

Abigail stepped back for balancing because of the knockback. She then immediately did another straight slash. Then the slime's durability dropped to one fifth.

"One more attack then it is dead."

Abigail prepared for another attack from the slime. The slime dashed towards Abigail to attack again. Abigail decided to stick out her short sword to do a stab on the slime. The slime was pierced through like a skewer. And it stays like that.

"According to my experience points I gained from killing 1 slime, I only have to kill 1 more to level up."

"This slime… Just stick on my sword? Aren't this too realistic?"

"Wait, then if it is like that, there are monsters definitely will spill blood."

"Hmm, I don't really want to waste the body of a slime either. It might be materials for something. They eat grass, right?"

Abigail stared at the slime skewer for a few seconds. Then eat it.

What actually on Abigail's mind is 'Slime that eat grass -> grass is not harmful -> slime is not harmful -> slime might eat medical herbs -> medical herbs heal -> eating slime heal -> medical herbs are ingredient for potions -> slime is also ingredient for potions'

"Oh, it tasted like herb flavoured jelly."

Afterwards, Abigail swept the grass field monster free and leveled up to 3. As usual, she put all her stat points on power and now her base power is 300, her power buffed to 600 by strong point.

Not long later, Abigail found more green slimes.

"These monsters are level 3. Pure coincidence? Or monsters appeared will match player's level?"

"System reminder: All wild monsters level will be adjusted according to the level of the highest level player inside the team."

"I see."

Abigail leveled up to 4 and increased her durability to 200. She walked more and she saw a forest ahead.


"Even during morning, the forest gives off an ominous feeling."

"Is that what it feels when you enter this game's high level area? Or it is just me?"


"No matter."

Abigail looked at the time and decided to rest until she recovered her stamina back to full before going in.

"I should have 3 class points right now."

Abigail chose to upgrade a slash damage increase perk.

"This looks good."

Not long later, Abigail entered the forest.

"I bet it feels scarier at night."

The density of the trees is thin. But as Abigail kept walking, it gets thicker and darker. Not long later, Abigail saw a dark shadow moved at the corner of her eye. She immediately stopped and looked around.

A couple seconds later, 7 wolves came out from the woods. They all surrounded Abigail.

"Looks like the AI of wolves are different than slimes."

Two wolves jumped from behind. Abigail quickly dodged by rolling away. Then the two wolves that are near Abigail quickly ran towards her. She swung her sword sideways, damaging the mouth of two wolves and got their health down to three fifth. They quickly retreat and the wolves surrounded Abigail again.

"Both of the wolves are level 4, this game is not very solo player friendly, ay?"

Abigail lowered her balance and had a stare down with the wolves. The wolves made the surrounding circle smaller and smaller then suddenly they all ran towards Abigail quickly. Abigail jumped over a wolf using a shield as a balancing point. The wolf took 4% damage. The wolves quickly spread and surrounded Abigail again.

"Damn! This battle is definitely not for single player."

Abigail sweated but she didn't have the time to swipe them off. She locked her eyes on a wolf and decided to charge at it. That wolf backed off but the others started running towards Abigail. Abigail stopped and turned around yet seeing the other wolves stopped too.

"Tsk, at this rate, my stamina will run out first."

"Am I going to die?"

Abigail had another stare down with the wolves while thinking of a way to escape. She looked around and saw nothing but trees.


"Wait! The trees!"

"The problem is how do I climb up the tree while fighting this pack of wolves and with this heavy armour."

"Use the wolves as a stepping stone?"


Then, Abigail moved slowly towards a tree with a lower branch and showed a weakness. The wolves began moving. Abigail found the moment and jumped on a wolf with a shield as the platform. The wolf took 4% damage. She quickly jumped again. Both of her hands grabbed on the branch of the tree. The wolves started jumping in order to have a bite on her. Abigail moved her body upwards while kicking the wolves down. Two wolves took 11% damage respectively. When she got up the branch, she looked down and saw the 7 wolves stared back at her.

"Phew. My stamina is currently below 20% and my speed is reduced to 75%"

After finding out that she is safe up on the tree. She immediately sung her sword to test the effects of low stamina.

"So when below 10%, the base speed is reduced to 50%. When the stamina is below 25%, the base speed is reduced to 75%. When the stamina reached 0, player can't move. But after it charges up about 0.5s, player can move again. But again, moving takes up a lot of stamina. So it will be used up quickly and player will be immobile again."

"I actually like the stamina system. I know berserker class will have perks immune or even reverse the effects of having low stats. But I think I will not choose berserker class."

About 1 hour, Abigail's stamina recharged to full again. The wolves were long gone after they found out they can't reach Abigail.

Abigail jumped down the tree and grabbed the shield she left down there. She took 4% fall damage.


"Let's walk this way instead."

A while later, Abigail felt something isn't right.

"That's odd. There has been a long time I haven't encounter anything."


Abigail stopped moving and prepared for a battle.

A breeze came by.


"Oh, it is probably just my imagination."

As soon as Abigail lowered her guard, a shadow from behind attacked Abigail. Abigail fell forward but she managed to stab the monster behind her with her sword. That monster retreated and Abigail got up immediately. She turned and saw a wolf that is much larger than the wolves she seen in the pack before. 'Level 2. Lone Wolf' is displayed above.

"Level 2? Uncommon monster?"

Abigail thought and took a glance at her own health bar. 32% of her health is missing with 13% going away slowly.

"Damn this game's pain system, it's so real too."

"Special effect, bleeding?"


The wolf attacked Abigail again with great speed. Abigail only managed to get a shallow slice on it. Abigail only had one fifth of the durability left with another half about to go missing. Conversely, the wolf had 88% durability left.

"This time, I am really going to die."

"I'm turning off the pain sense in the settings."

As soon as Abigail finished scrolling down the pain sense, she was attacked again and died.