First Thousand Players - Extra

unknown: "Finally! I finally got my first monster card!"

unknown: "After killing more than a thousand green slimes, I finally got a green slime card! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Abigail: "Your luck is a bit bad. The drop rate stated that it is 1%, meaning that you should get 1 every 100."

unknown: "Have you heard of Murphy's Law?"

Abigail: "Yeah, anything that can go wrong will go wrong."

unknown: "That's right, for unlucky people, even with a 99% win rate, they can lose near infinite times."

unknown: "Personally, my life is a reflection of Murphy's Law. But since god sent the box to me personally, I became its believer."

Abigail: "…"

unknown: "You lucky people won't understand us unlucky people."

Abigail: "I haven't said anything…"

unknown shook his head and acted like he knew everything

unknown: "No, you don't have to say anything more. I knew you already earn the green slime card before we join. Damn rich people, damn lucky people, super damn rich and lucky people."

Abigail: "Do you have discrimination against lucky people as well?"

unknown: "Yes! I hate lucky people! Why they are lucky while I am not! This world is unfair! Unfair! Unfair!"

unknown rolled on the grass to express his anger. But he looked like a child who lost his temper instead.

Abigail: "…"

unknown: "And rich people as well! Why they are rich while I am poor! It's unfair! Unfair! Unfair!"

unknown hit the grass with his four limbs to express his anger. But he looked like a child who lost his temper instead.

Abigail: "…"

At this time, yynes0w0 sent a message to the team.

yynes0w0: "I haven't earned a single experience at all! It doesn't work!"

unknown sat up and replied his sister.

unknown: "I knew it. This game must have some weird detection that if you don't know what enemies we are fighting, you won't earn any experience."

yynes0w0: "Come on man! Now I am stuck at level 17! I should have joined you two."

unknown: "Heheh, we need a person to mark the landscape too, for the materials."

yynes0w0: "Hmph. Don't you think baby will forgive you just for that."

unknown: "Well… Heh… Ergh… Then it can't be helped."

unknown spread out his hands and acted like he couldn't really help his sister. But it looked like he is mocking his sister instead.

Abigail: "…"

Why I feel like a babysitter? Abigail thought.

unknown: "Don't you worry, once we are high level enough, we will carry you."

unknown closed his eyes and patted the air next to him like his sister is there.

yynes0w0: "Fine."