Always Green Village

unknown: "Huh… so this is Always Green Village."

Abigail and unknown stood in front the gate of the village.

unknown: "It looks 10 times better and bigger than our player base."

Abigail: "You don't have to point that out."

unknown: "I know, but I want to."

Abigail: "…"

Abigail: "The village name of this game is quite strange. What do you think?"

Abigail looked at unknown with curiosity.

unknown: "It is indeed. It is indeed."

unknown touched his chin and acted like a noble. Abigail face palmed again because of it.

unknown: "The village name is quite strange. If that travelling merchant is not lying, there is one village called 'Ever Green Village' and one called 'Always Green Village'."

unknown: "I wonder how those village names got approved."

Abigail: "Pfft, it's just a game."

unknown: "Then why are you asking me 'what do you think'?"

unknown turned his head to look at Abigail, only to see his black eyes deep like a bottomless pit.

Abigail: "Ehh, I am curious."

unknown's eyes shined a light of mockery and frowned.

unknown: "Is that so?"

Abigail: "…"

Abigail being stared at by unknown for a couple seconds, and it made her nervous.

unknown: "If you truly believe that this is only a game, then you wouldn't ask me that question."

Abigail: "…"

unknown: "Heh, whatever."

unknown then entered the village without waiting for Abigail.

Abigail: "What is this strange feeling?"

Abigail: "This is a game world, right? Then why there are so many realistic areas."

Abigail: "No matter, I can't think of anything. Screw it. I gave up thinking."

Abigail: "Wait for me!"

Then Abigail tried to catch up unknown's pace.

As Abigail and unknown walk among the street, Abigail exclaimed.

Abigail: "The villagers looked very lively."

unknown: "…"

unknown glanced at the villagers but didn't reply.

unknown: "I wonder how will they react if I take their items without permission."

Abigail: "…"

Abigail: "Can you not do that."

unknown: "Sorry, no. I am quite curious of how 'NPCs' work."

Then unknown walked away from the group.

Abigail: "Hmph, whatever, I will search around myself."

Abigail decided to follow the travelling merchant to see what he is selling in the village.

The villagers are using copper and silver coins to trade food and materials with the merchant. Some villagers trade food and materials for coins instead.

Merchant: "You are that cra… person's companion. Do you have anything to trade with me?"

Abigail: "Huh? Not really. I was just walking around and having a tour in this village."

Merchant: "Then I wish you have a great time!"

Then the merchant ran away like his life is in danger.

Abigail: "…"

Abigail: "Tsk, whatever. A person who ran quicker than a rabbit, why the guards aren't even on your side when they are hired."

Abigail: "Also, they seemed to be pretty afraid of crazy people."

Abigail: "I smell discrimination."

unknown: "I smell discrimination."

unknown's voice appeared at the back of Abigail. It shocked Abigail and she jumped because of it.

unknown: "Hahaha. You look so funny."

unknown laughed because his prank succeeded.

Abigail: "…"

Abigail: "Why are you here? Aren't you plundering villagers' home?"

unknown: "Oh well, I finished doing it and got the result. So I appeared here. That merchant saw me appeared behind you and he decided to run away."

Abigail: "So that's why his face changed so quickly at a sudden. I thought he saw me as a crazy person as well."

unknown: "Maybe you are."

Abigail: "No! I am not!"

unknown: "Many crazy people say they are not crazy."

Abigail: "Not crazy people say they are not crazy too."

unknown: "True, then what defines 'crazy' and 'not crazy'."

Abigail: "…"

unknown's words turned Abigail's eyes wide open. Yeah, if crazy people define themselves as 'not crazy' while the not crazy people were being viewed as crazy. Then we are actually the crazy ones?

unknown: "Hahaha! I knew it! So we are all crazy after all!"

unknown spread out his arms like a crazy believer.

Abigail: "…"

Abigail: "So what have you done to the villagers."

unknown: "Them? Well, at first…"

As I walked around the village looking for my target, I saw a lady like in her mid 50s returning to her home. So I just grabbed on the door before it was shut in. Then I asked her: "If I come in and take your stuff, what will you do?"

unknown: "Do you know what her reply was?"

Abigail: "No."

At first she just say: "I would not allow you doing that." Then I kicked open the door and walked inside the home. I ran straight to the kitchen before the woman even realize. Then I grabbed the kitchen knife, turned my head and looked at the woman who stood in front of the kitchen door. I asked her: "If I take this knife away, you won't mind, right?" Then she is like very shock and her eyes open wide. Then she begged me not harming her. But I don't even have any ideas that want to harm her. Then she muttered things like: "You are not crazy, I am sorry." So I thought she thought me as crazy people. Then she even said that I can take the knife away if I want. Then I am very happy you know?

Abigail: "No, I don't know."

unknown: "Ok, whatever."

unknown: "Then I just grabbed the knife and walked out of that woman's home without issues. No conflicts whatsoever. "

Abigail: "What?!? This is clearly robbing!"

unknown: "Yeah, but look, I didn't pay for anything and I got this knife for free."

Abigail: "…"

Abigail: "Clearly you are threatening that lady to get this knife."

unknown: "Maybe, but look, the merchant, even the villagers are afraid of crazy people. Maybe we can use this advantage to loot the villagers without problems."

Abigail: "No way…"

unknown: "You are unsure."

Abigail: "…"

unknown: "Act like a crazy people then you can get free stuff."

Abigail: "…"

unknown: "And we even can get away because we are 'crazy people'."

Abigail: "…"

unknown: "You do this in other RPG games too anyway."

Abigail: "…"

Abigail: "Fine! Let's do it!"

unknown: "That's the spirit! Hahaha!"

Then the stuff inside Always Green Village was plundered by two very crazy players.