
Yes, I sleep. What else do I do except going to sleep? Nothing! I can do nothing! So, I slept. And during this time, I started writing my unlucky adventure diary.

Gah, so boring. I am going to die of boredom.

-Next day

Beta: "I say, he looks just like you, Shadow. I mistook him as you when I was doing that mission."

Shadow: "I had a look at him yesterday. I can't believe that two different people can look that similar."

Beta: "Right? When I saw his face, I thought I saw you!"

Shadow: "Maybe it is another person with ability. Alpha will ask him."

Shadow then looked at the time.

Shadow: "It should be time for him to wake up."

-On the other side of the base

Gamma appeared inside the room out of nowhere suddenly like an image forming together.

Alpha put down the cards and got up. She opened a drawer and took out a board with alphabets and numbers on it.

Gamma pointed her finger on it. The message Gamma wanted to say is 'captured target woke up'.

Alpha nodded and talked to Kappa.

Alpha: "Let's resume when I come back."

Kappa: "Okay."

Then Alpha headed towards the basement. While Gamma disappeared quickly like she faded out of existence.

I woke up again. And this time, the kidnappers didn't leave me behind! I am so touched! I saw a pretty tall female headed inside the room. She is at least 185 cm tall if the door is 2 meters tall. She had long blonde hair and a pair of beautiful shiny green eyes… Wait… Why did I get a 'Hypnotized' status effect? That's why she is the interrogator? I see…

Alpha: "I didn't tell you what to do and you already did it. Great."

Alpha: "I heard you are a tough guy, so that saved me a lot of time."

Alpha sat down and took out a piece of wooden board and a pen.

Alpha: "First question, where do you come from?"

unknown: "A place called player base."

I swear I cannot control my own body and it just moves on its own! unknown screamed in his thought.

Alpha: "Second, why do you go to that exploded place again?"

Oh no! All my secrets will be exposed! unknown screamed in his thought.

unknown: "I don't know."

Alpha: "You don't know?... Ok."

Oh? Interesting… If 'my' answer is 'do not know', then 'I' am not hypnotized, but the body is. My body do not know what I think. unknown guessed in his mind.

Alpha: "Next question, are you being experimented on?"

unknown: "No."

Alpha: "Are you from the organization called 'Dark Triad'?"

unknown: "No."

Got it. This organization is fighting against Dark Triad. And Dark Triad should be doing human experiments base on these questions asked.

Alpha: "Talk about your life history."

unknown: "I was born in player base. Then I go out and adventure with another person called Abigail. We headed towards Always Green Village. We took a lot of weapons for free in there. Then we headed towards Debashakala. I headed towards the exploded place and being chased. I ran and hided. Finally, I escaped from the bombard from the crazy pursuing killer. Then, I met up with Abigail. She left not long later because there were problems in player base. After that, I slept in an alley with bunch of clothes. As soon as I wake up, I headed towards the exploded place very carefully. Then, I walked around. Later, I ran and there was a pursuer chasing after me. I bumped into another person and I woke up here later."

Alpha frowned when she heard 'my' answer. Why though? It sounded right for me.

In Alpha's perspective, a person's life history shouldn't be this short. It is too weird. This person's age is actually one years old? No, no, no, no way… Unless… His mind is tempered.

The place which called 'player base' seems suspicious to me. Alpha thought and decided to ask about that.

Alpha: "Do you know where is player base?"

unknown: "It is about South West from Debashakala and West from Always Green Village."

Alpha: "Can you describe the place, player base?"

unknown: "There are a lot of people living there. But the buildings are far less than the amount of people. The village size is much smaller than Always Green Village."

Alpha: "Have you noticed or encountered anything weird inside player base?"

unknown: "None."

That's right. Dark secrets won't be seen so easily. Alpha thought.

Alpha: "Why do you go outside player base."

unknown: "To fight with Abigail."

Alpha: "Who is Abigail?"

unknown: "I believe she is a close relationship person to me."

Alpha: "Believe?"

Alpha heard an unsure answer from a 'hypnotized' person the first time and was surprised by it.

unknown: "Because I am unsure. That was my guess based on my memories."

Looks like this 'Abigail' person had big problems. She left him here in Debashakala when player base has problems. She might be the one who tempered with this guy's mind. Alpha thought.

Alpha: "Why you don't go back with her when player base has problems?"

unknown: "Because I got out already. I don't want to help them."

Base on what this guy said. Those people who live in a place called 'player base' were trapped there. This guy and Abigail got out before the problem happened apparently. Then, player base seems to have an issue and Abigail decided to head back and help them? So, Abigail is a good person? No, this guy's mind had been tempered. Abigail can't be trusted unless we see her with our own eyes. Alpha thought.

Alpha: "What is your name?"

unknown: "I don't know."

This time, Alpha is really shocked by unknown's answer. He got brainwashed to the point he forgot his own name? Alpha was shocked.

Alpha: "You… don't know?"

Alpha asked unknown again instinctively.

unknown: "Yes, I don't know my name."

Of course you don't know! My name is 'unknown' after all! unknown thought proudly.

Alpha: "Do you know who we are? The organization we belong to?"

unknown: "No, I don't know. And I don't know any info about your organization. All I know is that there is a hooded female whose body is super hard. And a female pursuer who chased after me. Those 2 people should be the members of your organization. And you finally. I only know these 3 people in this organization."

Alpha: "Now forget all about them. Forget this encounter. Forget the experience of these 2 days. When you wake up, you noticed you have slept over a day."

Alpha: "Now sleep~ You are very, very tired right now."

unknown got a 'Sleeping I' status effect again without a doubt. His 'Hypnotized' status effect was gone not long later.

So… they carried me outside? And I thought they let me join their organization if they found out I am not inside the enemy team. Well, look at the plus side. I gathered some intel about the two organizations. And they didn't kill me, which is a great news. But again, I have to wait 'myself' to 'wake up' in order to do actions. Argh, I hate boredom. unknown thought.