
I feel like I sleep a lot recently. No actually, I did sleep a lot, mostly by NPCs making me fall unconscious. And I was curious why I got the feeling of boredom and nothingness. That's why…

"So… What am I gonna do?"

unknown asked himself and thought deeply.


unknown touched his chin naturally. It already became a habit when he is thinking.

unknown felt like he asked this question to himself not long ago. But he totally forgot about it. He sat up in the dark alley and looked around. Safe for now. Then, he decided to get out of this dark alley first. Because his map is a total darkness. If he cannot connect to his previous marked map, He will be lost. A good point is that, he knows the four directions because of the game map provided by the system.

"Alright, time to head South and connect to my map first."

Because unknown headed North towards Debashakala, so heading South should be the quickest to connect to his previous marked locations.

Around 10 minutes later, unknown finally saw buildings that he is familiar with. He looked at the game map and was happy about it.

"Finally! Now I can cause troubles! Cough, cough, I mean I am free!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!"

"So… What am I gonna do?"

unknown asked himself and thought deeply.


unknown looked at the time and realized he only got 3 game days left to play with before returning to reality.

"Let's return to base after 3 days."

"For now, let's search for Dark Triad!"

unknown decided a goal for himself quickly. He wanted more information about this organization too.

unknown then walked around in the darkness of the game map trying to light the areas up while looking around for bars. Because bars are always the location of grey area, dark secrets and lots of information. So, when unknown saw a bar, he went inside without a second thought.

Not knowing it's because of unknown's luck or a joke by fate. The bar unknown went inside is a bar managed directly under Dark Triad.


unknown kicked opened the door in an amateur way. At least a trained person won't kick like that. By the way, unknown used kicking as a door opening method because he thought that it is cool and it made that person very intimidating. Totally not only just because it is cool.

Silent fell upon the bar, The customers and the bartender heard the door was opened in a rude way and decided to have a look. This is Dark Triad's territory. Who is will be stupid to mess with this organization? To their surprise, they saw a 1.2 meter tall kid who kicked open the door. They sneered and returned to their previous topics. The bar became noisy once more. If this kid is really trying to make a mess in the bar, they don't mind getting more money by selling him to the organization.

But the next moment made the bar fell into silent, again.

"Hello? How can I join Dark Triad?"

unknown asked everyone in the bar loudly near the entrance of the bar.

"Heheheh, kid, you are lucky."

A group of 5 muscular men looking very tough and mean stood up and walked towards unknown. Some people looked at the kid with sympathy, some looked at the group with disappointment, like they missed their opportunity.

"We work for Dark Triad. You said you wanted to join us?"

The leader of the group asked unknown. At this time, the other 4 men surrounded unknown already preventing him from running away. While the leader talked to unknown face to face.

"Yes! I wanted to join Dark Triad!"

A flick of greed and aggressiveness shined in the leader's eye. But unknown seemed like he didn't notice their evil intentions and replied the leader full of energy.

"Then follow us."

The leader moved his head a little bit as body language. unknown followed him. All 5 men surrounded unknown in the middle when they were walking.

When they were walking in an alley beside the bar, the muscular man behind unknown grabbed unknown by force and put a drugged cloth on unknown's face. unknown got a 'Sleepy' status effect and soon evolved into 'Sleeping I' status effect seconds later.

unknown fainted, again. But he is not surprised.

When unknown woke up, he found himself lying on a table. His body was impaled with multiple needles. He couldn't move or talk because he is restrained. He found out his durability is constantly rising and dropping, but dropping is more than rising. So, his durability is dropping slowly overall. Furthermore, a massive pain kept injecting into his body. Even on a 10% pain sense, unknown felt like he is about to die because of the pain. He immediately lowered the pain sense to 1%. He felt much better already, but his body kept twitching and was very sweaty. Even the mind can lie about the pain, real pain cannot be lowered towards the body.

When he found out he couldn't do anything to change this situation, he gave up trying. His eyes returned to his usual calm soulless eyes.

On the other side, the scientists felt strange. Why this kid woke up when we started the implantation? We used the same amount of medicine like last time. So, what is the problem? Also, this kid's health is dropping twice as quick as other subjects. Is only this kid special? Or we found another discovery about this 'thing'?

Just when the scientists prepared to release more healing magic into the experiment room, there happened to be an explosion so large that it affected the whole research facility. Everyone inside the research facility felt the shockwave from the explosion. At the same time, red light shined throughout the facility showing that there are invaders inside the facility.

The scientists felt very dismayed because they cannot continue the experiment, especially the one that may provide much more information and progress on that 'thing'. They left the facility with guards on their side quietly.

unknown heard the battling noise is coming closer very quickly even in a somewhat soundproof experiment room. He looked at his remaining durability and compared to lost durability per second. Then he estimated the time the invaders headed towards this room, the possibility that the invaders missed him, the possibility that the invaders didn't save him, the possibility that the invaders failed to save him… And finally, he got the solution. Think this much for what, I'm about to die anyway. Just be lazy and relax about it. If I die, then it is fate. If I didn't die, then it is also fate.

Then unknown closed his eyes and relax. He thought about the weapons he got in a certain village inside his temporary storage. And he also thought about the monster materials. So sad that I'm gonna lose all of them here. unknown thought.

A familiar surprised feminine voice appeared near unknown afterwards.

"Ehh!?~ Why are you here?"

unknown opened his eyes and saw a masked hooded figure. But he knew she is the pursuer who chased after him yesterday.

"Mm?Mmmmm~ Mmm." (Oh? That's a long story.)

"He doesn't look good. The experiment itself is unstable. We need to heal him first to stabilize his condition."

The other masked hooded figure said. Then both of them started casting healing magic on unknown. The durability went back to full quickly without an issue. Then they untied unknown.

"Thanks. I almost died. You saved my life."

unknown sat up and jumped down from the table, totally forgot about the needles which were still sticking onto his body. Maybe that's a disadvantage of lowering pain sense, because that person can't even feel danger.

"By the way, what are you two doing here?"

Those two people was shocked by unknown's doing. They knew how painful this process is because they were once being experimented on either. But look at unknown now, his face didn't even twitch a single bit.

When unknown noticed they are still looking at himself without answering his question. He remembered the needles are still sticking onto him.

"Oh yeah, Ima (I am going to) pull it out."

Just when unknown began to move his hand. A voice stopped him from doing so.

"Stop! You will have a high chance of dying if you do that!"

unknown stopped when he heard the masked girl saying.

"So, I have to wait until it is over? How long?"

"About 10 minutes. We still have missions to do. So, stay in this room until we come back."


Then the two masked figures exited the room. unknown looked at his stats once more and found out his durability is still in a rising and dropping state. But instead of dropping more than rising like before, right now it's rising more than dropping. He guessed when the experiment is over, this rising and dropping state will be no more. He looked at the ceiling, more accurately, the floating white ball hanging on the ceiling. The ball is healing unknown constantly so unknown won't die slowly.

"Guess I'll wait."

"Come to think of it, I've waited a lot recently. I didn't even play much of the game."

"Wait, come to think of it, I didn't even play a lot in this game. Most of the time I just walk around and sleep around."

"Wait, is this even a game anymore?"


unknown found out his brain is a mess and cannot think properly anymore, so he stopped thinking and slept on the table.