Ethan tidied up his appearance once more before walking to the airport exit.

Although he didn't mind that anyone would recognize him now because he's set up his own agency, he didn't want his arrival in Indonesia to be known by the media, because then his parents would know that he had come to Indonesia. 

All this time Ethan had avoided his parents because they always called and asked about Carolina and their grandchild who should have been born by now, but Ethan kept giving the same explanation that Carolina was studying abroad. Sometimes he doesn't pick up their call at all and just sends a message that he is currently busy.

Lying on the phone to his parents of course made Ethan feel bad, but it couldn't be helped, he had promised his wife not to tell their parents what had happened and Ethan was sure he couldn't lie while looking his parents in the eye, so he prefer to chose to avoid them by making no one aware of his arrival in Indonesia.