Luca saw Katherine running out of the room. He had just stood up from the chair he was sitting in, intending to chase after Katherine, but Luca immediately stopped in his tracks when he saw Javier running out of the set after Katherine.

At that time, Javier had just finished a very romantic scene, at that moment he heard the sound of footsteps from a woman's shoes which sounded quite loud, making him turn towards the sound.

How shocked he was when he realized that the woman running was Katherine.

Luca and Javier were both trying to catch up to Katherine, but Javier was already ahead of him.

Luca clearly understood what made Katherine leave the room and stop watching the  shooting on the monitor in Allan's room.

She clearly saw Javier in an intimate scene by kissing the main female character, Anna, with full appreciation.

It was then that the fire of jealousy burned Katherine, she couldn't bear to witness the scene that made her chest ache.