"King Aloxandros was extremely clear in his commands." Shira said to Dubaza hotly. She glared at Dubaza who had indirectly caused her to fall down. "Take Liz'An's Wyvern and build a Wyvern Regiment using the late generation Wyverns! Are you thinking of disobeying a direct command from the King?"
Dubaza sighed deeply. He looked Shira in the eye and said, "No, child. There is no thought of disobeying his orders within me. It's just…"
"Just what?" Shira pressed on.
Dubaza sighed again. All the bluster left him then, and he seemed really old and tired.
"War is coming, child."
"War will come whether or not we build this Wyvern Regiment." Shira stubbornly retorted.
Dubaza looked at Shira wordlessly. She was so very young, and totally ignorant of the horrors and pain that war would bring.