Dangerous Battle!

Zegaro's power is the power over death. The energy he had mastery and dominion over was the energy of death. It was pure, and it gave Zegaro the ability to control all dead beings and excite the death energy within them, causing them to enter a state of undeath. 

Although the Dark Warriors were evil as well, they were absolutely nothing like Zegaro. 

As bad and as evil Zegaro's power seemed to be, it was still the power of a known god. And by being known, they have lost the veil of mystery and the fear that the unknown brings. And of course by being known, strategies to counter his energy and powers could be developed, vastly reducing the fear that people have of Zegaro.

The Dark Warriors were not products of a known god, definitely not. They did not have an ounce of energy from any of the four gods in them. There was no life, no death, no power over the elements nor power over battle.