Human Scion King VS...

Prince Marius stood silently in the sky as he stared at the hive of activity beneath him. His eyes shone brightly with a strange light that was not in the least human. 

The City of Rin's rebuilding effort had gone on for several days and all the debris had been cleared. The walls were already back up and the foundations of many tall buildings were being laid. 

"Hmmm. A powerful undead spell had been cast in the area very recently." Prince Marius said to himself. He waved his hand lightly and closed his eyes as he studied the remnant undead energy. "Very powerful indeed."

His eyes shone with bloodlust and a deep hunger. 

Devouring the Conclave had filled him with an abundance of delicious energy. But the power he gained from them only made him hungry for more. He felt as though a deep monster was about to awaken within him, and it made him look for stronger and more delicious beings to consume.