Chapter 22: A Crown's Weight

With the ambush crushed, the wounded collected and dead collected, Elduine and Rowan only had a moment to talk before she had to head back to the palace.

“Thank you for the vials of oil,” she whispered. “I am grateful beyond words.”

Elduine reached over and took her hand.

“How long will you be camped over there?”

“We are going to send scouts out to investigate, so it will be a few weeks at least,” Elduine answered.

General Tarik motioned to Rowan that it was time to go.

“It’s time. I need to get back to the palace and check on my uncle.”

“Lady Rowan,” Elduine called. Then he spoke in his native tongue, “It warmed my heart to see you again.”

“As it did mine,” Rowan replied in Elvish.

“General,” General Tarik called. “Would you care to accompany us to the Palace? Your small band of warriors can rest with protection for the night, and have a warm meal.”

Rowan looked at her general in surprise and turned eagerly to see the Elven general’s reply.