Chapter 30: Hendrix


“Is that the last of it?” Couldn’t be right. Where were the rest of her belongings?

The movers had come and unloaded her things within the span of forty minutes. Four boxes, two suitcases, some electronics, and an old-looking trunk that belonged on the curb, not inside my house.

As a matter of fact, they spent more time smoking a cigarette outside near the curb than in my home.

“That’s all of it.” Beau looked confused by my question. “What more would I need for a six-month stay with you?”

Ignoring her jab about the end date on this relationship, I walked over and opened the first box. It was all books. Everything from developmental and speech delays to a few raunchy romances.

Her interest were vast, which impressed me.

Beau didn’t say anything as I grabbed that box and carried it deeper into my penthouse. Into my office and straight for the small desk I’d placed across from mine. Beside it there was a small bookshelf that looked similar to my own.