“…and then, he had the nerve to tackle the rival team’s mascot into the coaching staff. Expelled on the spot, but Hendrix was a legend within the halls of our High School.” Everyone laughed at Jax’s embarrassing story of Hendrix, everyone, but the man himself.
He stood beside his friend in a defiant pose, hands crossed over his bare chest. A bare torso I was fighting like hell not to look at. Tried to ignore the thick cords of taut muscle - the deep V of his waist, and how low those godforsaken black board shorts sat.
So, while Jax carried on with the fifth installment of his miniseries aptly called let’s make the asshole suffer, I sat stone still. Kept my thighs closed tightly and begged my body to cooperate.
To not squirm at the sight before me. To stay still and play it cool.