
Chapter 63: Rowen, Part 2

"This… " I say pulling it out of the box. "…was my grandmother's engagement ring. She wore it for fifty-seven years, until she passed away. And now, I'm hoping you'll wear it for fifty-seven more."

She slowly moves her sunglasses to the top of her head, like she doesn't want to make any quick movements.

"Tiffany, I love you. So much," I continue. "I love your brain. I love your beauty. I love your resting bitch face." A giggle bursts out of her and she quickly slaps a hand over her mouth. "I love your strength and your wit and your love of sports. I love that you work so hard at your job because you love it so much. I love your loyalty. I love your heart."

"I… how did you get this ring?"

I smirk. "My mam sent it te me a few weeks ago. When I told her I wanted to marry ye. My Maimeó gave it to her a few months ago, before she passed away, so I could give it ye."

She looks up at me. "Your accent is coming out."

"I'm a little nervous."

"Why are you nervous?"