
Chapter 14: Mariana, Part 2

"What's wrong?" Tom asks.

"I don't know. It doesn't sound like the battery. I hope it's not the transmission."

"Here, hop out and let me try. I'm not great with cars, but I might be able to tell you if we'll be able to adjust something for a quick fix tonight."

We switch spots and he tries again to get my car to work. After a few minutes, he turns to me. "I think you may have to call a tow truck in the morning. That's definitely not the battery."

"Shit," I grumble under my breath.

"Is there anyone you can call to come pick you up?"

For a minute, I run through the list of people. Marcus and Santos are pretty much it. Marcus, of course, has the kids, and Santos… well, I need to not call Santos. He's not in my life anymore as a partner, so I need to not turn to him the very first time I run into a problem.

"There's really not. I can take a cab, but I just live ten minutes from here. Do you think you could drop me off? I wouldn't normally ask, but…"