
Chapter 25: Santos

"Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm."

The telltale sounds that my orgasm is imminent make their way out of my throat. I look down at the red head with her hand wrapped around my cock and feel disgusted with myself, but I'm too far gone to stop now. Besides, I'm divorced now. Who's stopping me?

"Get ready," I say just as the base of my spine begins to tingle. I come hard. I come long. And strangely, I feel nothing when it's over.

I look down again and see a playful look in the redhead's eyes. As she begins to climb her way up my body, I know what she's going to do, and Mari's words slam into my brain.

"It never occurred to you that you kissed these whores on the mouth, probably right after they got done sucking someone else's dick without a condom, did it?"

As the redhead goes to kiss me, I turn away.

She pulls back. "What's wrong?"


She pulls back even more to look at me. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Besides blowing some douchebag you just met that you'll probably never see again?"