
Chapter 35: Santos, Part 2

I'm immediately on guard, wondering what has her so upset. Mari, however, stays calm. "Theo pooped mom! He pooped! And it stinks! You need to change him," she demands.

"Why don't you change him?" she teases back.

Myra crinkles up her little nose in disgust. "Ew, Mom. I don't know how to change a diaper."

"Hmm. Maybe it's time you learned how," Mari suggests.

"Mooom. Come on," Myra pleads, the previous topic no longer up for discussion.

"I'll go," I say, rising to my feet. "If I don't get away from this computer for a little bit, I just may launch it across the room."

"Thank you. He poops so much, my nose can no longer tell the difference between the smell of poop and baby wipes."

"He got his constitution from his daddy!" I pat my belly and give her a big ornery grin.

"Yes, he does. Also, I can't believe you just said that, weirdo. His diapers should be in the diaper holder next to the bed. If it's empty, check under his crib."