
Chapter 41: Santos, Part 1

I look around the waiting room, shoving my wallet back in my pocket after paying the obligatory twenty-dollar co-pay. It's not a lot, but it adds up when you have a weekly therapy appointment.

With my knee shaking up and down, I recognize I'm nervous. Really nervous.

Mariana has never asked for us to go see Justin together, but she did this time and wouldn't tell me why. Just said there are things we need to discuss. It worries me that she wants to cut the amount of time I've been spending with the kids. I know I've been at her apartment a lot lately, but it didn't seem like she minded. I can't believe I read the situation wrong and I don't understand why she can't just tell me this outside of therapy.

The door flies open and Justin stands there with his normal relaxed look on his face. "Hey guys. Come on in."

Mari smiles and greets him like everything is normal. I just mumble a hello as I walk past him.