
Chapter 44: Mariana, Part 2

"That's a nice idea, but I know how much we both have in savings, or at least how much we each started out with. It would deplete everything. With you not working for the next year…" I shake my head. There's no way it'll work.

"You don't remember how much we're making off the current house, do you?"

I think back to the conversation we had about numbers right after we got divorced. Things were so emotionally heightened back then, I don't remember a lot of it. But I do remember that.

"You were serious? We have that much equity?"

"I'm the math major remember?" he teases. "We had saved for so long we made a huge down payment during a buyer's market. The market has swung and now it's a seller's market, so already the value has gone up. Not to mention, up until we separated, we were making double payments every month. We shaved off something like fifteen years' worth of interest that way."