Chapter 6: Magic's Mate

The howling continued, as bushes rustled at the edge of the clearing. Dimitri knew the coyotes were prowling, searching for a weak spot, an opportune moment to strike and attack. He grinned, hoping they would do just that. He knew something like this might happen, knew Bane would be foolish, refusing to wait too long to press his advantage in an attempt to take over Bull Creek and drive the humans and their sympathizers out. The woods were filled with panthers, cougars, and bears, patrolling the area for just such an attack. They waited, watching for Dimitri’s signal.

He glanced over at Adira. If he expected her to be scared, he was gladly disappointed. She stood beside him, her back straight, and he could sense the power at her fingertips, ready to be unleashed. She wasn’t afraid; she was ready. He even moved to step in front of her, a shield against whatever might happen next, but she moved to stand beside him instead. She wouldn’t hide. There was too much fight in her.

He felt his animal growl, approval, protection, and hunger for the witch filling him. Down boy, now’s not the time.

Turning back to the perimeter, he waited to see what Bane had planned. He didn’t have to wait long.

Several coyotes, their silver-gray fur glistening in the moonlight, saliva dripping from their snarling jaws, as they snapped their threats at the residents of Bull Creek, entered the clearing, circling those within. The coyotes didn’t attack, but Dimitri knew it wouldn’t take much to provoke them. Everyone stood, braced for whatever was about to happen. Several men reached under the tables loaded down with food, pulling out shotguns, holding the weapons in front of them, the barrels aimed at the coyotes as if daring them to charge. The residents of Bull Creek wouldn’t permit themselves to be provoked into making the first attack, but they were more than ready to defend themselves.

Bane Kastner stepped out of the woods and into the clearing, two mangy looking men a step behind him, their backs straight, arms barely moving as they walked. Dimitri could smell the stink of the coyotes the closer they came, the night wind ruffling their gray hair, their dark eyes staring right at him. The men walked with purpose, determination. Whatever their reason for being here, they seemed unconcerned about anyone stopping them or barring their way, not even those with shotguns. Dimitri’s panther fought to get out, to shift and attack, and it took all Dimitri’s strength to keep his animal at bay. Might as well see how this plays out first before he unleashed his panther. Human cunning was more important, right then, than animal instinct.

Bane continued his approach, his hands clasped behind his back as he walked, giving the appearance of nonchalance, even though Dimitri knew there was nothing casual about what the man intended. The snarling coyotes were proof of that.

“Well, he looks charming,” Adira said, never taking her eyes off Bane.

“He’s an ass,” Dimitri said. “And one I wish I didn’t have to encounter.”

Bane stretched his arms out once he reached a few feet from where Dimitri stood. “A nice night for a farewell party,” the man said, a fake grin on his face. “It’s always nice to send people off with a celebration.” He cocked an eyebrow at the men wielding guns. “Such a human approach to things.”

Dimitri tilted his head to the side, placing his hands on his hips, as he stared at Bane. “Are you going somewhere that we should be celebrating? If I had known, I would have been more than happy to throw a few extra hot dogs near the fire for you. Perhaps even in it.”

Bane chuckled as he gave a shake of his head. “Ah, Dimitri, always assuming you possess wit.” He returned his arms to behind his back, his hands clasped together. “No, no. I’m not leaving. You are. You’re not wanted here.” He stretched an arm out, waving at all those gathered. “None of you are wanted here. This is coyote land. There’s no place for…humans.”

“I think you’re the one telling jokes now,” Dimitri said. “There’s room for everyone here, but you. This land doesn’t belong to you. It never did. You just wish to slither your way in and take over. For what purpose, I have no idea.”

Josh stepped up next to Dimitri. “Why exactly do you want this land anyway? There’s plenty of woodland south of here, good enough for you and your friends.”

Bane gestured toward Highway 192. “A major interstate to the north.” He gestured to the west. “A couple of productive towns to the west.” He then gestured to the east. “And the beaches and even more towns to the east, with plenty of woods for prowling and hunting in between. Bull Creek is perfect for what I want. It’s just infested with vermin, that’s all.”

Dimitri arched an eyebrow at that last statement. “Vermin?” He took a deep breath. “I think it’s time for you to go. Now.”

The howl of coyotes filled the night air, angry snarls following in its wake as if Bane’s men tried to press their leader’s point. Dimitri didn’t care. He would not be bullied, and he was not going to allow these families to be kicked out of their homes. With a deep breath, he crossed his arms and just stared at the man before him, refusing to budge. “Do you need to be escorted out of here, Bane?”

Bane grinned, his yellowish teeth adding a sinister air to his face. “What? This isn’t a party for everyone?” He nodded, chuckling under his breath. “You have until tonight to clear out, Dimitri. I suggest you make good use of your time. We will give no mercy to those who ignore this warning, humans or shifters.”

“I just got here,” Adira said, dropping her arms to her sides, palms out. “I like my cabin. It’s homey, cute little roosters on the curtains, a shag rug in the living room, even a fireplace, although I have no idea when I would ever use it.” She shrugged. “I don’t plan on leaving. I mean, I just unpacked and everything.”

Dimitri worried his feisty witch bit off more than her power could handle with Bane. The man had a horrendous mean streak when it came to hurting people.

Bane took a couple of steps closer, his grin shifting to a leer. “Well, you’re cute,” he said. “Spunky, even. Perhaps I’ll permit you to stay.”

“No one permits me to do anything,” she said, as shards of magic sparked from her fingertips. “I don’t need your permission, trust me.”

Dimitri’s panther growled, and he felt the shift begin as fur oozed from his skin. He clamped down hard before he lost control. “Leave,” Dimitri growled, his voice deep, gravelly, as he took a step toward the thicker man.

Bane laughed, deep and menacing. “Down, kitty cat. I’m just conversing with the pretty lady. I didn’t realize she was your girl. I’d be sure to take her with you when you leave if I were you.” He winked at Adira, and Dimitri took another step, ready to lash out. Bane ignored him, however, and instead glared at Adira. “I’d be careful, witch. You’re known by the company you keep, and right now, you’re slumming.” And then he just laughed harder, as he turned and walked away, his two men turning and following him, as the coyotes slithered back into the woods. None of them even bothered to check behind them, obviously not worried that Dimitri and his friends would attack. It grated on Dimitri’s nerves.

“Like I said, charming,” Adira said, her magic snapping from her fingers, dissipating a second later.

Dimitri glanced at her, shaking his head, as he gave a soft laugh. “Yeah, charming.” He took a deep breath, giving his head another shake, this time to shed the irritation he felt due to Bane’s visit. He then turned, offering his arm for Adira to take. “Come, I could use another beer.”

He felt her turn and join him, her arm sipping into the crook of his, as he walked back over to the coolers under the tables. “What does he want with Bull Creek?” she asked, as they walked. Josh and Alanna joined them, as Eve walked back to the bonfire, her back still straight, her posture tense. Dimitri wished he knew what the small blond woman’s story was.

Dimitri opened the cooler, pulling out beers and passing them around. He twisted Adira’s open first before handing it to her.

Josh glanced at him and shrugged. “I think I’d prefer something stronger, right about now,” he said before twisting the cap and taking a long pull.

Dimitri gave a short nod. “You and me, both.” He then turned to Adira. “It’s not that he wants it, really. It’s more that he just doesn’t want humans to have it. From what Sheriff Einstein told me a few days ago, they wander from area to area, looking for places such as ours where they can move in, chase the residents out, believing humans should keep to the cities while the woods and forests belong to shifters. They bully and threaten, sometimes using violence to get their way.” He glanced at her with a serious expression. “They’ve even been known to kill.”

“Yeah, it probably wasn’t a good idea for you to provoke him,” Josh said to Adira. He then glanced up at Dimitri. “His threat seemed pretty real to me.”

Dimitri nodded, catching the meaning behind his friend’s words. He turned to Adira, his brows knitted with concern. “You should stay with me until this is settled with Bane.”

He thought she appeared ready to pounce on the idea, but then her face grew pinched in anger. “I have my own cabin, thanks,” she said, her tone clipped. “I’ll be fine. I don’t need a babysitter.”

He couldn’t believe how stubborn she was being. Had she not just witnessed the man who threatened her? Noticed his size? The men who accompanied him? Saw the coyotes? Did she not hear the coyotes waiting in the woods for a fight? Her wards wouldn’t protect her from all that threatened her. “Adira, now is not the time to be pigheaded about this,” he said. “Bane means what he says. He’ll use you to get to me and Bull Creek. You don’t want to be in the middle of that. Of this.”

“Pigheaded?” She spun on him, her voice dripping with venom. “Did you just call me pigheaded?”

Josh raised his eyebrows and quickly averted his gaze from what he believed was about to happen. Dimitri didn’t blame his friend. It wasn’t the best choice of words. “That’s not what I meant. I just…”

“You just thought I was some weak female who needs a man’s big, strong arms to protect me,” she snarled. “Well, Catnip, I don’t.” She put the beer bottle to her lips and tilted it back, draining the bottle. When she finished, she shoved the empty bottle at him, pinning it to his chest until he took it. “Nor do I need your help getting home.” She turned and stormed off, her anger causing shards of bright light to sputter from her fingertips as she left.

He watched, as she thundered her way back up the dirt road to her cabin, unsure what just happened. She probably didn’t even know she leaked magic in her anger. He didn’t understand. One moment, she seemed happy, standing at his side, ready to face Bane and his coyotes, and the next, she became pissed and stormed off. He felt his animal stir, aroused at both sides of the woman he watched walk away. He didn’t doubt that she could protect herself, but he wouldn’t risk finding out he was wrong.

Josh laughed beside him, his beer dangling from his fingertips. “Now that’s a spunky one,” he said. “You have your hands full with that one, Catnip.”

Dimitri nodded, knowing it was more than that. Adira Brennan was his mate. Of that, he was positive. He only hoped he hadn’t screwed up what was fated.