Chapter 72: My Lover's Mate

Wes winced as Doc Henderson finished stitching his gunshot wound. Jake had already been doctored up, his shifter healing already kicking into overtime. By morning, there would barely be a scar.

Doc Henderson, his shaggy gray hair constantly falling into his eyes as he stitched Wes up with his pudgy fingers, squinted at the procedure he performed as opposed to using the glasses that perched on his forehead. Wes grunted as the needle went into his flesh again. “Will you put your glasses on, please,” he seethed through gritted teeth.

Doc Henderson made a clucking noise with his tongue against his teeth. “Stop being a baby,” he said with a shake of his head. “Some big grizzly you are. You whine like a little cub. Now, sit still while I finish this.”

Noel giggled beside him while Jake just chuckled and shook his head. Wes just glared at the doctor.