Chapter 78: My Mate's Wife

Kinsey stared into the flames, a glass of Merlot in her hand. The Florida air felt humid, the stickiness seeming to cling to everything, even the air itself. She glanced over at Alanna, who stood there sipping a beer and teasing Josh Rayburn about his cooking skills. “Tell me again why we’re having a bonfire in the middle of summer?” Kinsey asked. “Isn’t it hot enough without burning a giant mountain of wood on top of it?”

Josh laughed as he shrugged. “Tradition is the answer you’ll get from Dimitri if you ask him. Trust me, I wondered the same thing. We could have a nice weekly gathering in the comfortable air-conditioning, but no, the man wants his outdoor forest fire.”

“With as dry as it’s been lately, I’m surprised we haven’t started a forest fire,” Alanna added as she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. “June is not the season for a fire.”