Fitz leaped over the fallen log, the wind blowing through his panther’s tawny coat as his paws hit the ground and propelled him forward around another pine. Elation filled him as his panther tore the ground underneath him, racing Dimitri who sprang from another rise in the earth, doing his best to match his brother’s speed. The scents that filled his nostrils, the feel of the air on his coat, the ground beneath his paws, each leap into the air, all made him feel alive. A couple of nights ago was the first time he shifted and allowed his panther truly to run. Why hadn’t he done more of this in Draven Falls? Because of the craziness that became my life. I permitted my father’s business and goals to consume me. He tried not to dwell on it too much. Instead, using the mindspeech of their animals, Fitz asked his brother, Where did you say we were going again?