Chapter 38: Panther Hunted

Dimitri finished stacking the pile of fallen branches into the firepit, his spirit not into the bonfire that night. One week ago, two people had died right there near the circle of stones he bought as a ring of protection around the giant blaze. Dimitri couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps he was being silly having another bonfire so soon after the fight last week. He sighed as he tossed another log into the pile. Who would show up? Alanna was gone, helping Josh bring Lainie to Bull Creek, and last week, she was the driving force of bringing the others to his gathering, just in time to keep him from getting killed, actually. Now, who would help him bring people to the bonfire?

He stood, stretching, his hands pressing on his lower back. He also needed Josh back to help him with all the heavy lifting. He chuckled to himself as he shook his head. When the hell did I start feeling older than I actually am?