Chapter 50: Bear Necessities

The name, Hoyt Cheffron, was one Ezra could have lived his entire life never hearing again. He took a deep breath and then pointed to Josh and Lainie. “They have a new alpha in their community,” he said as he turned toward his tent. “I’m sure he’ll be able to help you out. This one keeps saying they have empty cabins, so I’m sure you’ll be able to find a safe house.” He stopped before entering his tent, turned and looked over at Liam and Colton. “I’m sorry. I can’t help you. You shouldn’t have come.” He glanced down at the girl, his expression solemn. “Good luck to you.” And then, he dipped his head through the tent flap and disappeared inside, leaving the others to do whatever they decided to do.

“What the hell?” he heard Josh exclaim. “You suck at hospitality, do you know that?”