Chapter 72: Bear Necessities

Ezra sat in one of the rockers on the front porch of the cabin, his arm in a sling and his shoulder bandaged. Doc Henderson arrived, bandaging Ezra’s gunshot wound and Liam’s broken arm while Lainie and Johnson took Hoyt and his men to the sheriff’s department. Colton arrived just as everything ended, filling the other three Para-Force members in on Mason being the mole and the fight between them, which ended in Mason’s death. Erin remained with Ash, Agatha Rochester on the phone helping the girl pull her magic back into herself and out of the dolls and stuffed animals. The little girl didn’t need to see the mayhem up and down her street or the destruction inside the cabin. Dimitri and the others started cleaning up the cabin, making a pile of broken furniture to burn while the doctor worked on his patients.