Chapter 3: Losing Faith

Faith had been right. Not that there had been any doubt in her mind she wouldn’t be, of course. Cherish called out for the day, claiming she hurt her back over the weekend moving furniture. Faith knew it was a lie, or at least a cover-up. Knowing Cherish, she wore herself out over the weekend or merely hated Mondays. It became a pretty common occurrence. Her sister may not call off every Monday, but it was frequent enough to be noticeable; at least to Faith it was. Edwin either didn’t notice it or didn’t care. To be honest, Faith didn’t care either. Cherish was moody, her emotions sometimes coming out like a roller coaster ride that’s gone out of control. The office was a much more pleasant environment to work in when Cherish stayed away.

The day seemed set on fast forward, which was great for a Monday, and the fact there were only two hours left to her daily prison sentence pleased Faith. She glanced at her list of To Dos and gave herself a satisfied pat on the back when she saw all but two things checked off. Four girls worked at the Brevard office of Rutherford Construction. Ashlynn Leighton was the receptionist and worked out in the front lobby. She was a sweet girl, but not the brightest. Her sole purpose seemed to be eye-candy for the male clients who could stare at her store-bought tits and not care if they were kept waiting.

The other three worked in what the men affectionately called the Girls’ Den, a small office with three desks and several file cabinets. Cherish was human resources, in charge of all employees, the hiring, firing, and keeping track of vacation days and sick days, which was ironic considering how often she called out. Nessa Sanchez was a part-time employee, there to tend to the overflow of assignments the other girls couldn’t do, which quite often relegated her to answering phones and filing when she was there.

Faith kept track of everything else, job assignments, trucks and equipment inspections, and customer complaints. She started out as Nessa, part time and doing the filing, but Edwin Coldwell had been impressed enough with her work ethic to make her full time and dump a heavy load of responsibility on her. She had loved it, but her sister hadn’t been the same toward her since. Of course, they had never really been close, but Faith’s promotion made it worse.

“How’s it going in here?” Edwin stood in the doorway. Faith saw him glance at Cherish’s desk and then turn to Nessa and her.

“Almost quitting time, so I’d say pretty well,” Faith said as she paused from going over a contract and turned to face her boss. He was a powerful man, standing three inches over six feet with broad shoulders and thick arms. His stomach was just beginning to gain that middle age paunch, but he still looked solid with strong arms and legs that could pin a girl to the bed as he drove into her. A Salem cigarette perched behind his right ear almost hidden by his raven black hair. So far the color gray had left him alone.

Nessa glanced up at him, a smirk giving her a mischievous look. “Forgot Cherish wasn’t here?”

Faith glanced at the dark-haired girl, woman really, even if she was ten years younger than Faith, not understanding the question. Then she saw him take the cigarette from behind his ear. “Well, it’s time for a smoke break.” He put the cancer stick between his lips and left.

Nessa just chuckled and went back to her files. Faith stared at the empty doorway, at the spot where his ass had been just seconds ago, and could still see the way his tight jeans had highlighted its firmness. Maybe I should take up smoking.

The rest of the day went by just as fast, and before Faith knew it, Nessa was packing up to go home. Faith looked up at the clock. 5:05. It was definitely Monday, and Cherish wasn’t there. If she had been there, then the office would have closed thirty-five minutes ago. With a sense of pride, Faith checked the last thing off her list and began shutting her computer down. Nessa said goodbye and left before Faith could return the farewell.

She just chuckled to herself as she put pens and reading glasses into her purse. She couldn’t blame the younger girl. She was ready to go, as well. Work was great, but home was better.

“Heading out?” Faith turned and saw Edwin walking into the room.

She stood, slinging her purse over her shoulder, keys dangling from her fingers. “I was, unless you needed something else.” She waggled her eyebrows at him as she pursed her lips into a smile.

Edwin laughed, the sound deep and inviting. “Too many people still here, otherwise…”

Faith walked by him and patted his ass on the way out. “You always tease me.”

He turned and watched her walk down the hall. “As if you’d let me do anything else.” His eyebrows lifted as he gave her a challenging smile.

Faith paused at the door that opened to the lobby and smiled back at him. “I’m not the one who keeps giving excuses.” She blew him a kiss. “Goodnight, Edwin.” And then she left.

On the drive home, she wondered what she would do if Edwin ceased teasing and acted on his taunts. He flirted with all the girls, offering services outside of their job descriptions, but Faith never knew him to follow through on any of it. Of course, Nessa called him a dog and a player, insinuating their boss did anything and everything in a skirt. Still, Faith never saw or heard any evidence suggesting it was true.

Furthermore, even though Selby and she had opened up that part of their lives to new adventures, Faith wasn’t sure she was ready to venture in that direction. She liked the security Selby provided, the strength to allow her inhibitions to fall away and explore that dark side she had always ignored. Until a year ago, she denied those fantasies even existed. Yet, they were there, and she was nervous about where it would take her.

By the time she arrived home, Selby’s car was already in the garage. As she entered their quaint beachside haven, the sound of Journey telling her to Don’t Stop Believing mingled with the aroma of stir-fry. Selby stood at the stove pushing food around in the wok, dressed in shorts and a blue Quicksilver T-shirt. As the scent of cooking vegetables and sizzling meat assailed her senses, she was glad he made it home before her. She loved when he cooked.

Dropping her purse on the white Formica counter, Faith snuggled in behind him and slid her hands around his waist and up his firm chest. She laid her cheek against his back as she squeezed, breathing in the scent of him. “I missed this.” Her voice came out soft and content.

“What? My cooking?” She could hear the smile in his voice.

Faith squeezed again. “Nope. You. I missed you.”

Selby set the wooden spoon on the stove and turned to face her. She never let go, allowing his body to turn in her arms. As she glanced up into his deep, ocean blue eyes, he leaned in and kissed her nose. “You mean all those burly construction workers couldn’t keep you from missing me?”

She gave an exaggerated sigh. “Well, they are nice to look at, but I fit so much nicer in your arms.”

Selby licked her nose, laughing. “But in order for you to know that you would have had to try their arms around you.”

She shrugged. “Perhaps.” Her grin was mischievous, and he just shook his head, laughing, before returning to the stir-fry. Faith kissed the back of his neck. “I’m going to go get as comfortable as you. How long do I have?”


She kissed him again as she gave his ass a squeeze and then passed from the kitchen to the master bedroom. From the speaker system throughout the house, Journey finished, and Styx was urging her to Come Sail Away. She unzipped the side of her dress pants as she kicked her heels toward the closet, and her breathing relaxed as the business attire slid down her thin legs. It was a different mindset being in work clothes and only now, as she shed them like unwanted skin, did she feel as if she could relax. The cream-colored blouse and bra were next, followed by her black thong. The thought of just remaining nude tempted her, but then they would never eat. Instead, she grabbed a lavender sundress and slipped it over her head.

“All comfy,” she said as she spun in front of the mirror. “Selby Greer, you are one lucky bastard.”

“Don’t I know it.” He leaned on the doorframe, watching her with insatiable eyes. “Now, let’s eat.”

Faith felt the blush warm her cheeks at being caught staring at herself. “You mean dinner, right?” She walked toward him and slid the sundress up tantalizingly close to her pussy as she gave her husband a sultry come-hither glance.

Selby groaned and went back to the kitchen. “Grab the wine, vixen,” he called as he picked up both plates and headed to the back deck.

Faith smiled and did as Selby ordered.