Chapter 27: Losing Faith

The latter part of the afternoon dragged by as Faith found it hard to focus. Jed threw more contracts at her to type and organize, and with Cherish out of the office, Faith was in charge of the human resource aspect of the company, as well. Nessa maintained the phones, and Jed pitched in here and there, so it went pretty smooth, just busy. Faith’s mind, however, was just not in it.

“Okay, Faith, I’m out of here.” Nessa shut down her computer and packed up her purse. The clock read five. “You should go home, too.”

Faith smiled. The day hadn’t gone as slowly as she thought. Surprise me. “I will. I just need to finish this one contract and then it’s home to a glass of wine and crashing waves.”

“Sounds good. I’m going home to a screaming kid and a bossy mother. Enjoy your night.”