When the hour was up, Faith locked her desk, grabbed her list, and went in search of Edwin.
“Enjoy your little road trip,” Cherish said, each word dripping with bitterness.
“Of course.” Faith waved her fingers at her sister as she passed her desk. “It gets me out of here for a while.”
Edwin stood in the hall outside his office, right hand on the doorframe holding him up. He talked to Jed who leaned against the bulletin boards that decorated the outside of Edwin's wall. As she neared the men, she could hear them talking about Morgan Brewer’s upcoming visit, wondering why Edwin’s boss was stopping in. When they spotted Faith, they both smiled at her.
“There’s my girl. I thought I was going to have to come get you.” Edwin raked her with his eyes.
“Oh, no. I’m eager for any excuse to get out of here for a while.”
“I can create some excuses for you if it means getting you alone in my truck,” Jed said, his lips turned upward in a mischievous grin.