Chapter 47: Losing Faith

But, Faith couldn’t stop thinking about it. Nor could she deny the wetness that grew between her legs, the warmth that was building to distraction. Isn’t this what she told him she wanted? To be his whenever or wherever he wanted. The only rule was that it wasn’t to interfere with Selby’s time. And Edwin wanted her, right there, right then. Surely, he knew the risks and would account for their protection. He’d be just as worried about getting caught as she was. He had more to lose.

Wouldn’t he?

It was a bluff. Surely, it had to be a bluff. Yet, he hadn’t bluffed so far. Perhaps, it was just a test to see if she meant what she said.

She couldn’t think. She glanced at her watch. Nine. Everyone would have already been there for whatever they needed and left.

No. She shook her head. She couldn't allow those thoughts. It was way too risky. Work. That was it. Focus on work.