Chapter 49: Losing Faith

Faith locked up her desk and shut down her computer. The day was over, and she was ready for her deck and a glass of wine. Cherish had been in another of her mad-at-the-world phases and refused to talk to Faith even if Faith spoke first. When the ice queen finally went home a few moments ago, it was as if a shroud lifted and life could begin again.

Locking her office door, Faith went past Edwin’s office, which was already locked and dark. She stopped in front of the door, knowing a smile pushed upward on her cheeks. He hadn’t even said goodbye for the day. She shook her head, shocked that it mattered.

“It’s just a game,” she whispered to herself as she turned and made her way to the back door. One more weekday before the weekend and Faith wasn’t sure if she was excited or depressed. While a weekend was a much-needed break from her work and her sister, it was also two agonizing days away from Edwin’s hands. She didn’t know what he planned next, but she was dying to find out.